On New Year's Day

2014, A Photo A Day

10 Jan 2014

143 visits


11 Jan 2014

119 visits

cold & wet Effingham day

12 Jan 2014

171 visits

all the single ladies

Finally, the warmer weather has brought my babies back! My lone tom was joined by three more, so that accounts for four of the five boys. These are ten of the eleven hens I've been feeding. We'll see if the missing tom & hen show up, or if they were casualties of winter's brutality.

13 Jan 2014

100 visits

the crow in my window

14 Jan 2014

130 visits

creature comforts

There is nothing more welcome on a cold, rainy, dreary day than backing up to a rip roaring fire in the wood stove.

15 Jan 2014

144 visits


16 Jan 2014

105 visits

Tales of An Obsessive Bird Lady

So happy to have the entire flock back in the 'hood. Twelve in my yard, four just beyond the speed limit sign up the road. My babies. :)

17 Jan 2014

156 visits

fired up

18 Jan 2014

134 visits

to sleep, perchance to dream

226 items in total