Odd, interesting, & amusing.

14 Feb 2015


89 visits

February 14

New Englanders...tough sons of you know whats.

26 Jan 2015

127 visits

January 26

I'd never seen anything quite like this. We were due to get whalloped by a massive blizzard, and hours beforehand the sky became this bizarre singular cloud formation, almost like a dome over the area. The distinct line between the cloud and the blue sky was amazing. It looked like this in all directions.

20 Dec 2014

139 visits

I can now add taxidermied chicken to the list of odd stuffed animals I have seen.

31 Oct 2014

126 visits

catching a few rays

I love these two. Last year they were on a tractor. :)

25 Oct 2014

1 comment

116 visits

Jack & Tawanda are at it again!

Those silly newlyweds are having too much fun in my attic. At least I *think* they're having fun... Happy Halloween!

07 Oct 2014

103 visits

oh my stars

Insect legs stuck to the side of my house. Pretty crazy!

27 Apr 2014

102 visits

seen along the way

07 Apr 2014

154 visits


The other day I noticed this massive bat decoration hanging from a tree by the river. Someone has a sick sense of humor...I like that.

07 Mar 2014

129 visits

the escape

204 items in total