
Reptiles, amphibians, fish and other non-fur/feather bearing wildlife.

01 Jun 2012

124 visits

just drop the crab and nobody gets hurt

01 Jun 2012

101 visits

do you hear the ocean?

01 Jun 2012

110 visits

death comes to the shore

30 May 2012

110 visits

I've got a long way to go, and a short time to get there

Spotted this painted turtle crossing the parking lot at work - probably a female that was returning to the water after laying her eggs.

26 May 2012

80 visits

high traffic zone

26 May 2012

113 visits

high traffic close up

Not the greatest shot; I didn't want to get too close for obvious reasons. I caught one of these suckers fishing once, and boy are they cranky! Plus, you'd be surprised at how fast these turtles can move. This one was across the road and into the swamp on the other side in the blink of an eye.

08 Apr 2012

53 visits

my little montauk monster

06 Apr 2012

90 visits

catch of the day

06 Apr 2012

101 visits

108 items in total