to the victor go the spoils

That's Wild

Wild critters - mostly from around my area, the northeastern US (New Hampshire).

05 Dec 2021

80 visits

the big girls

05 Dec 2021

75 visits

the mother

05 Dec 2021

71 visits

the yearling

06 Nov 2021

67 visits

yarding up

'Tis the season. These three large does and two smaller yearlings were spotted in our town cemetery. When I first saw them, both yearlings were on top of the piles of soil. Kids and dirt - doesn't matter the species, if there's a pile of dirt, kids are going to climb it! (taken with my sad flip phone)

02 Nov 2021

65 visits

the buck

Impressive size, not so impressive rack. Shot through a window at dusk. I am not a good low light photographer, obviously.

27 Oct 2021

67 visits

their milkshake brings all the bucks to the yard

The doe on the left is the one I've been calling "goiter doe"; she has a large lump below her jaw. I suspect the doe on the right might be her fawn from last year. I don't believe this is the doe and fawn I've been seeing all year - I've seen the smaller doe around the same time as the doe and fawn, and that fawn still had spots.

02 Oct 2021

68 visits

see coyote run. run coyote, run.

02 Oct 2021

1 favorite

73 visits

A terrible shot through the window, but the only one that really shows the beautiful coat on this coyote. The markings make me think it's possibly the bold pup from this summer, but their coats change so much season to season, there's no telling. When I caught this one out of the corner of my eye, I could have sworn someone's dog was out in my pasture, and very close to the mules. Mules naturally hate dogs, and will kill or seriously hurt any that get too close unless they've been raised with them. Even then, they will tolerate their dogs, but not strange ones. Both of my mules were standing not ten feet away, calming staring at the house trying to Jedi mind trick me into bringing out their breakfast. Maybe they lose that aggressive streak as they get older. Fargo is now 20 and Flea is 21. Or maybe they realized that a coyote alone, hunting mice in the long grass, is no real threat.

04 Sep 2021

1 favorite

64 visits


223 items in total