Domesticated Tranquility

Livestock and traditional farm animals of all shapes and sizes.

08 Oct 2010

66 visits

~pastoral views~

17 Jul 2010

94 visits

This photo was almost devoid of color, so I played with it a little.

17 Jul 2010

1 favorite

58 visits

armadillo impression

Yer definitely doin' it right.

17 Jul 2010

1 favorite

48 visits

scratch that itch!

17 Jul 2010

66 visits

Probably the coolest looking piglets I've ever seen! After some searching I think I've identified them as a Duroc cross. Duroc piglets tend to have the brindle/striped patterns like these little sows.

31 May 2010

89 visits


07 Mar 2010

70 visits

Baily and Bob

07 Mar 2010

52 visits


07 Mar 2010

78 visits

Odd pairing, but *shrug* it works

98 items in total