Victorian loo


shadows on a loo door

06 Apr 2011 18
Trinity College, Oxford

plush loo at the Ilchester Arms

04 May 2012 2 91
Abbotsbury, Dorset

Victorian loo

22 Sep 2012 56
Woodstock Museum

unsightly convenience

20 May 2015 1 3 147
Greenwich, London

Russell Square loo

02 Aug 2016 2 203
a bit scared to use one of these, in case I get locked in or the door flies open

welcome sight for bus trippers

24 May 2017 2 137
Rugeley, Staffordshire

50p loos in the West End

30 Dec 2016 151
(you'll cough up if you're desperate)

ladies loo tiles

30 Dec 2016 169
Great Marlborough Street, London

Marlborough Street lamp

30 Dec 2016 126
Great Marlbrough Street, London

St Clement Danes in winter

01 Mar 2018 1 134
London bus window shot

Holborn loos

01 Mar 2018 23
London bus window shot

Farringdon Street

01 Mar 2018 1 86
London bus window shot

bus station loos

24 May 2017 182
Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire

welcome sign at Staveley

26 May 2017 125
nice to know you can jump off if necessary

Sidford loos

03 May 2012 75
Devon bus window shot

Wolvercote loos

11 Feb 2012 19
Port Meadow, Oxford

Parkstone park loos

18 Nov 2011 68
Dorset bus window shot

Burford High Street

07 Nov 2016 134
Oxfordshire bus window shot

67 items in total