laburnam in a blue sky

Jericho wall trees

Folder: Oxford
Jericho's Walton Street is characterised by the old infirmary wall that runs along much of its length and supports a delightful array of small trees and blossoms

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Sadly, large chunks have now been demolished with the building of the new health centre and the monstrous Blavatnik.

laburnam on the infirmary wall

04 Jun 2013 1 148
Walton Street, Jericho

laburnam in a blue sky

02 Jun 2013 1 219
yellow laburnam above the old infirmary wall in Jericho's Walton Street

the cosy lights of Walton Street

26 Jun 2013 2 152
(before any Blavatnik light pollution)

Freud end of wall

09 Jul 2013 1 114
Freud end of the soon-to-be-demolished section of Jericho's infirmary wall

old wall at Freud

31 Jul 2013 1 122
part of the historic infirmary wall demolished by Oxford University

historic wall to be demolished

30 Jul 2013 1 157
part of old infirmary wall, demolished to make way for a monstrous glass carbuncle

Freud before Blavatnik

17 Jun 2014 1 125
St Paul's Church, Jericho, Oxford

cranes mark the end of Jericho

17 Jun 2014 1 162
St Paul's Church soon to be surrounded by university carbuncles

trees on ROQ site

21 Sep 2014 1 86
took this snap in case they cut them down

last of the infirmary blossom

04 May 2015 1 108
Walton Street, Jericho

Walton Street wall trees

11 May 2015 1 95
varied foliage overhanging the old infirmary wall in Jericho

hiding Blavatnik

11 May 2015 1 113
walltop greenery helps to mask the adverse impact of the Blavatnik in Jericho

walltop greenery

11 May 2015 1 93
old infirmary wall at Jericho

urban laburnam

11 May 2015 1 107
old infirmary wall, Jericho

street lilac

11 May 2015 1 117
old infirmary wall at Jericho

white lilac on Walton Street

18 May 2015 1 130
Jericho, Oxford

urban gold

18 May 2015 1 138
Walton Street, Jericho

overhanging wall trees

28 Oct 2016 1 95
will doubtless be destroyed one day

77 items in total