East Oxford cloudscape

East Oxford

Folder: Oxford

house on Iffley Road

25 Mar 2015 186
Iffley Road, Oxford

hotel of horrors

12 Oct 2017 1 147
Oxford bus window shot

past the Fir Tree pub

24 Aug 2017 1 1 124
Oxford bus window shot

corner of Magdalen Road

12 Oct 2017 2 145
this used to be such a pretty corner, with two old red telephone boxes, but now ruined by an ugly 'controlled zone' sign plus graffiti

Magdalen Arms gone grey

12 Oct 2017 1 144
outside spoiled to how it used to be

The Magdalen Arms

31 Aug 2017 2 125
Oxford bus window shot

vandalised ghost

24 Aug 2017 1 143
Iffley Road, Oxford

Iffley Road demolition site

24 Aug 2017 1 133
no loss to have this ugly car showroom demolished, but fingers crossed for what they build in its place

white house on Iffley Road

24 Aug 2017 99
Oxford bus window shot

Iffley Road houses

24 Aug 2017 1 178
Oxford bus window shot

naff windows on Iffley Road

18 Oct 2009 1 2 61
282 Iffley Road, Oxford

eyesore paint jobs on Iffley Road

24 Aug 2017 1 152
Oxford bus window shot

rounding The Plain

31 Aug 2017 1 101
Oxford bus window shot

Ballroom Emporium

Iffley Road terrace

24 Aug 2017 115
Oxford bus window shot

Manzil Way pocket park

14 Oct 2017 1 1 135
Cowley Road, Oxford

autumn at Manzil Way

08 Nov 2017 1 132
Cowley Road, Oxford

bit missing from my special tree

25 Oct 2017 1 127
Cowley Road, East Oxford

703 items in total