Warren Point


These videos are best viewed small, owing to upload limits

Oxford Buskers

--/--/---- 290
saxophone, cello, folk, and puppets

Oxford jazz buskers

accordion and mouth organ

--/--/---- 67
Oxford buskers

Star of the County Down

--/--/---- 79
Oxford street busker

Knocking On Heaven's Door

puppet fiddler

fire juggling act

--/--/---- 1 126
(sorry he got squashed)

winter evening buskers

Oxford bagpiper video

--/--/---- 1 126
Heath Richardson's last performance

winter fire juggling

--/--/---- 1 1 161
Oxford city centre

Stand By Me

--/--/---- 1 4 186
Christmas in Oxford

on Hungerford Bridge

--/--/---- 1 4 288
London River by night

Friars Entry fiddle

--/--/---- 2 76
Friars Entry, Oxford

Gypsy Band

--/--/---- 173
Oxford, Christmas 2010

Jericho Carol Singers

canalside minstrel

--/--/---- 1 3 201
O, the Lamb is worthy

NK guitarist

--/--/---- 193
with his amazing dazzling shirt

NK guitar ramblings

124 items in total