best dog in the world


path through the wheat

don't like holidays...

28 Jun 2018 57
wanna go home

doggy holiday snap

dog goes camping

28 Jun 1998 1 75
and doesn't like it a lot

guarding the tent

dog's holiday

28 Jun 2018 2 82
don't 'get' sunsets - rather be at home

Plymouth Subway

--/--/---- 2 222
rare footage of the now-demolished subway in Armada Way (and city centre trees)

Doyle Academy of Irish Dancing

16 Jun 2009 2 183
Jericho Street Fair 2009

Singing Dog

10 Oct 2009 246
wailing collie in Oxford City Centre

coal merchants' boat

27 Jul 2006 1 246
John & Madeleine Forth's beautiful commercial narrowboat, Newdigate, with their lurcher, Rock, in the back cabin. The roses & castles on the doors were done by Madeleine.

boater's dog

pony in the April snow

06 Apr 2008 4 174
Port Meadow, Oxford

churchyard goats

01 Jun 2007 1 141
St Margaret's Church, Binsey

one two three... goats in the snow

02 Feb 2009 2 247
St Margaret's Church, Binsey

kids with pony

06 Apr 2008 1 134
Port Meadow in the April snow

pony in buttercups

22 May 2011 2 218
Port Meadow, Oxford

pony in the meadow

22 May 2011 1 226
Port Meadow, Oxford

tasty chomp

27 May 2010 1 172
pony at Port Meadow

98 items in total