slow - major road ahead sign

road signs

old stop sign

09 May 2015 1 142
Eynsham, Oxfordshire

slow - major road ahead sign

22 Sep 2012 79
Woodstock Museum

old roundabout sign

22 Sep 2012 1 81
Woodstock Museum

Station Road street sign

09 May 2015 1 165
Eynsham, Oxfordshire

old B4449 road sign

09 May 2015 1 173
Eynsham, Oxfordshire

Wittenham signpost

26 Jul 2014 2 212
Wittenham Clumps, Oxfordshire

not much of a welcome sign

04 May 2014 2 208
A44 to Oxford

to Stratford... and beyond

23 May 2017 165
Oxfordshire bus window shot

can't get lost in Atherstone

24 May 2017 193
especially if it's a one-way street

Wallingford sign

17 Aug 2017 177
The top sign on its own would have looked quite pretty and told you all you needed to know - you have entered the Borough of Wallingford. But its attractiveness is quite ruined by the ubiquitous brown sign beneath, explaining to the simple-minded that Wallingford is a "historic town", and even displaying a "castle" symbol for those that cannot read English.. Then a third sign tells us the towns it is twinned with, which are no doubt similarly disfigured with too much signage clutter.

too much EU information

26 May 2017 2 168
we don't need eyesore information signs spoiling the approach to every English town

C is for congestion charging

29 Mar 2016 15 123
and more CLUTTER on the streets

distressed school sign

07 Nov 2012 1 47
Temple Cowley, Oxford

lollipop lady

27 Sep 2017 1 2 162
Oxford bus window shot

corner of Magdalen Road

12 Oct 2017 2 164
this used to be such a pretty corner, with two old red telephone boxes, but now ruined by an ugly 'controlled zone' sign plus graffiti

Spelsbury almshouses

10 May 2019 81
Oxfordshire bus window shot

Oxfordshire signpost

25 Oct 2017 151
Oxfordshire bus window shot

keep left bollard

28 Mar 2019 75
Upper Heyford, Oxfordshire

42 items in total