Kenton Arms pub sign

rubbish camera

ok for close-ups of boats but doesn't focus properly for scenes

plus colours unnatural - too much orange

smart green bench

24 Aug 2017 1 124
Wallingford has much better seats than Oxford! Wallingford seats are attractive to look at AND have back rests. Oxford City Council please take note.

in and out the old town fountain...

24 Aug 2017 1 162
Wallingford, Oxfordshire

Wallingford Corn Exchange

24 Aug 2017 1 118
Wallingford, Oxfordshire

St Mary's Street, Wallingford

24 Aug 2017 1 1 92
Wallingford, Oxfordshire

vintage haberdashery

24 Aug 2017 123
Wallingford, Oxfordshire

Bean & Brew cafe

24 Aug 2017 1 127
St Mary's Street, Wallingford

Greene King Dolphin

24 Aug 2017 1 140
Wallingford, Oxfordshire

garish yellow cafe

24 Aug 2017 1 117
out of keeping in Wallingford

shopping at the Lamb Arcade

24 Aug 2017 1 135
Wallingford, Oxfordshire

The George Hotel at Wallingford

24 Aug 2017 1 1 148
Wallingford, Oxfordshire

South Oxfordshire street sign

24 Aug 2017 135
don't like the tacky council logo on the end

The Keep at Wallingford

24 Aug 2017 101
another grey pub

Victorian C-size wall box

24 Aug 2017 1 1 130
OX10 1082D, Wallingford, Oxfordshire

? building in Castle Street

24 Aug 2017 112
Wallingford, Oxfordshire

Castle Street shops

24 Aug 2017 97
Wallingford, Oxfordshire

Thomas Bennett memorial

24 Aug 2017 1 160
Wallingford, Oxfordshire

entrance to Castle Gardens

24 Aug 2017 1 36
Wallingford, Oxfordshire

Wallingford Castle Gardens

24 Aug 2017 1 98
Wallingford, Oxfordshire

642 items in total