old court house


The Supreme Court

10 Dec 2018 2 81
London bus window shot

Supreme Court

14 Jul 2017 1 174
London bus window shot

Chancery Court

24 Jan 2018 1 1 140
High Holborn, London

inside the Royal Courts

07 Oct 2014 1 140
Royal Courts of Justice, London

Royal Courts of Justice

07 Oct 2014 8 308
The Strand, London

The Great Hall

07 Oct 2014 155
Royal Courts of Justice, London

Royal Courts clock

05 Dec 2014 1 208
Fleet Street, London

Royal Courts clock

05 Dec 2014 180
The Strand, London

Royal Courts clock

10 Dec 2018 1 287
Fleet Street, London

Chancery Court Hotel

20 May 2015 118
High Holborn, London

end of Fleet Street

01 Mar 2018 2 130
London bus window shot

passing the Royal Courts

01 Mar 2018 4 126
London bus window shot

dragon at the Temple Bar

10 Dec 2018 3 2 230
City of London

Royal Courts hunger strike

10 Dec 2018 1 118
London bus window shot

forced adoption protest

10 Dec 2018 2 76
Royal Courts of Justice, London

old courthouse

30 Dec 2016 1 182
Great Marlborough Street, London

Marlborough Street Magistrates

30 Dec 2016 2 181
Marlborough Street Magistrates Court

leaving court

30 Dec 2016 165
Marlborough Magistrates Court

37 items in total