Timber Tip Toes

Street People

Folder: Photography

21 Mar 2014

1 favorite


243 visits

Timber Tip Toes

Warm day in the park today brought out the tree dancers!

03 May 2008

152 visits

Race Leaders

Indy 500 Mini Marathon Race Leaders. www.500festival.com/marathon/

26 Apr 2008

129 visits

Earth Day Fun

Good weather for Earth day this year and the kids were enjoying all the activities.

03 May 2008

147 visits

Start of the Race

39,000 people on the move ... the bridge was bouncing up and down ... it felt quite weird. The street lights were also vibrating to the pounding of the feet. www.500festival.com/marathon/

01 Nov 2008

105 visits

Take Me ... 21 miles to go!

01 Nov 2008

128 visits

Caution Tape Hairband

Wining form in Indy's first Marathon ... 21 miles early, but still great form!

14 Sep 2009

231 visits

Photography Booth

This booth had a lot of photos with a style similar to your style. Most of the photos were a hundred dollars more most than the other booths, but then none of the other booths were not framed as nicely as these were. There was one photo of an old truck there I might have bought ... if it weren't for taking it home on a bike. I ran across a couple of booths there with web sites you might find interesting. www.photoventure.org/index.php?option=com_content&vie... celestialironworks.com/

06 Oct 2009

173 visits

Bump on the Green

My view while eating lunch the other day at the university.

14 Sep 2009


305 visits

The Last One

The last one of the Moscow Ballet series at the Penrod Art Festival I'm going to post.
14 items in total