2015-05-10 Toits-de-Paris-IV web
2015-05-23 Meditation-Montmartre web
2015-06-18 Paris-Sacre-Coeur web
2015-07-11 Toits-de-Paris-VII web
2015-07-20 Liberte-pour-les-baux-arts web
2015-01-08 Burg-Eltz web
2015-08-07 Coucheur-du-soleil web
2015-08-12 Aurore web
2015-08-11 Wiesbaden-Dyckerhoff-AG Cathedrale-du-c…
2015-08-29 Quelque-chose-reste-II web
2015-09-02 cokerie-vieille web
2015-09-18 Pistoia-Balcon web
2015-10-02 Dresden-Dom web
2015-08-10 Marseilles-Chez-FONFON web
2015-10-09 Sexten-Kreuzbergpass web
2015-12-19 München-Theresienplatz web
2015-10-14 Il-Pinguino Lucca web
2015-10-20 Et-derriére-l´horzon-est web
2015-11-08 Aurore-dans-les-Tre-Cime web
2015-10-27 Tafelberg-an-der-Elbe web
2016-07-11 soleil-et-pavot web
2016-07-22 Le poste de travail 1955 de mon grandpe…
2015-04-13 Paris-Rue-Marcadet-en-passant web
2015-04-03 Paris La-Java web
2015-04-12 Paris-Sacre-Coeur-chevet web
2014-07-23 Une-oasis-à-Paris web
2015-01-09 Mirjam-de-Magdala web
2015-01-07 Lis-orangé web
2015-01-10 Barcelona-Santa-Maria-del-mar web
2014-12-18 L-arc-en-ciel-de-Fe web
2014-11-18 Blois-Chateau-escalier web
2015-01-14 A-la-votre web
2014-07-25 la-tulipe-orange web
2014-09-11 Toits-de-Paris-III web
2011-07-02 Boite-au-lettres web
2014-08-01 Fe web
1990-03-18 cote-atlantique web
2014-09-15 J´attends-le-soleil web
1999-07-24 Fe-derriere-le-raseau
2014-06-22 Italia Portovenere-Strassencafé web
2014-06-21 Firenze-Ponte-Vecchio web
2014-06-17 Cap-Corse web
2014-06-09 L´universe-en-miniatur web
2014-06-15 Couronne-blanc web
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828 visits
2015-05-14 Marianne est Charlie web
"Marianne est Charlie! - Aquarell - 35 x 45 cm
(Everywhere in Paris were policemen and soldiers, and I saw two posters- and this was my first idea, Die Idee kam mir durch die stämdig gegenwärtigen Polizisten und Soldaten sowie 2 Werbeplakate in Paris)
(série - images avec barbelures; Serie - Bilder mit Widerhaken; series - pictures with a barb)
Translate into English
(Everywhere in Paris were policemen and soldiers, and I saw two posters- and this was my first idea, Die Idee kam mir durch die stämdig gegenwärtigen Polizisten und Soldaten sowie 2 Werbeplakate in Paris)
(série - images avec barbelures; Serie - Bilder mit Widerhaken; series - pictures with a barb)
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Danke sehr, Bernhard !
Toll gemacht ! ******
Bernhard Hofbeck has replied to Christiane ♥.•*¨`*•✿Bernhard Hofbeck has replied to Christel Ehretsmann clubBernhard Hofbeck has replied to .t.a.o.n.and the imagination of the moment ... shines through
Berhard ... compliments .... ;-)
Bernhard Hofbeck has replied to beverleybeverley has replied to Bernhard HofbeckBernhard Hofbeck has replied to j-p l'@rchéoSign-in to write a comment.