Jardin Majorelle (4)
Über den Dächern von Marrakesch
Sehstück 3/50
22/50 - Hütte am Torghatten
Potsdamer Platz. 201901
Muster - Graffiti
Muster - Lampe
Nur weg hier - diese Muster machen mich wahnsinnig…
Regentag auf den Vesterålen. Aussicht von Aun.
journiApp - Moment 21
Sehstück 4/50
Berlin. Grunewaldturm
journiApp - Moment 22
(23/50:falunred)+ journiApp - Moment 22
24/50 - Leaving Harstad
Im Wasserwerk
Sehstück 5/50
journiApp - Moment 20
schlüpfriger Laden
Jardin Majorelle (3)
Jardin Majorelle (2)
20/50 - Vega. Holand. Nes Harbour
journiApp - Moment 19
Sehstück 2/50
Sehstück 1/50
journiApp - Moment 18
journiApp - Moment 18
Same same, but different
Same same, but different No. 9
Same same, but different. No. 8
Same same, but different. No. 7
Same same, but different. No. 6
Same same, but different No. 5
Same same, but different. No. 4
Same same, but different. No. 3
Same same, but different. No. 2
Same same, but different. No. 1
Swan Sea
Jardin Majorelle (1)
0.8 sec. • f/18.0 • 100.0 mm • ISO 50 •
Canon EOS 6D
EF70-300mm f/4-5.6L IS USM
Lat, Lng:
You can copy the above to your favourite mapping app.
Address: unknown
You can copy the above to your favourite mapping app.
Address: unknown
See also...
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Die 4 Jahreszeiten ... Les 4 saisons...I quattro stagioni...The 4 Seasons
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562 visits
another bad weather day in town
Saturday Self-Challenge (Feb 2, 2019):
... only one shot of anything of your choosing, relying on your knowledge of manual settings
All the week I was waiting on better weather for a nice pic to this challenge.
But every day the same: grey and dark outside, no light inside. ...
So my contribution is an unexciting ICM, taken a little bit outside of the city.
In the background (nobody will guess it) are some white, modern houses, partly painted in a warm tone of green. Focussed is on a birch in the foreground.
The low light in late afternoon was good for an ICM (=Intentional Camera Movement). Manual settings are indispensable for this kind of photography (see EXIFs).
The original capture (s.PiP) had a bit too much white sky (because of the long exposure time).
So I cropped it, cutted the sky. Otherwise the pic is SOOC.
... only one shot of anything of your choosing, relying on your knowledge of manual settings
All the week I was waiting on better weather for a nice pic to this challenge.
But every day the same: grey and dark outside, no light inside. ...
So my contribution is an unexciting ICM, taken a little bit outside of the city.
In the background (nobody will guess it) are some white, modern houses, partly painted in a warm tone of green. Focussed is on a birch in the foreground.
The low light in late afternoon was good for an ICM (=Intentional Camera Movement). Manual settings are indispensable for this kind of photography (see EXIFs).
The original capture (s.PiP) had a bit too much white sky (because of the long exposure time).
So I cropped it, cutted the sky. Otherwise the pic is SOOC.
Der SIGGY, ColRam, Ulrich John, Ronald Stachowiak and 37 other people have particularly liked this photo
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(The cropped version would be good in a PIP and the original as your main image for this challenge since cropping wasn't allowed.)
Mit ICM habe ich mich noch nicht viel auseinandergesetzt, nicht so meins. Dynamische Bilder oder Mitzieher schon eher. Liegt wohl eher an den schlechten Verwackelten, die man manchmal so sieht.
Die Birke kann man sehr gut einordnen,
Interessante Arbeit
Heidiho club has replied to uwschu clubuwschu club has replied to Heidiho clubMeine letzte En- Stunde liegt auch ein paar Tage zurück und die Dame habe ich nicht gemocht.
Da ich es nicht perfekt behersche und schon mal "nett" verbessert worden bin, lass ich es ganz, der Translator funzt umgekehrt genauso gut/ schlecht.
Всего хорошего
Heidiho club has replied to uwschu club... nützt wohl nix, hab eh alles Russisch längst vergessen.
uwschu club has replied to Heidiho clubHabe fast 3 Monate einen ukrainischen Kollegen an der Backe gehabt und wir haben uns bestens verstanden. Seine Familie lebt übrigens in Berlin Lichtenberg, unweit der Fleischfabrik :-))
Wow, what an artistic and beautiful abstract, Heidi! However, one of the requirements of the challenge was not to make any post-processing corrections to the composition, which means no cropping. If you can please post the original photo either as a PiP or in the comment section, that would be great!
Heidiho club has replied to Valfal clubI will have a look for the original, and send it for PiP.
... did not noticed, that cropping is a kind of processing.
Heidiho club has replied to Gudrun clubHeidiho club has replied to Erika AkireToller Effekt
Freundliche Grüße und eine gute Woche
Heidiho club has replied to HaarFager club(btw: in ICM-technique it's not able to get a "finished result" in camera)
Thank you for your interested comment (I read your article and all the discussions about good/bad photography ... every position there is legitimate).
to write a comment.