Polaroid Film

Polaroid Film

As far as I can remember, Polaroid introduced 35mm film in the mid-1980s - at least, that's when I used it for a while. It was priced less than Kodak, so I tried it out for a very short while.

Polaroid Film

17 Jun 2016 1 285
Some old Polaroid film I found. I remember shooting some of it back in the day; around 1987 or so. Didn't shoot but a couple rolls of it, but now's my chance to shoot it again.

Polaroid One Film

07 Mar 2022 80
I shot a few rolls of Polaroid film back in the mid-1980s, mainly because it was cheap.

On The Beach

09 Sep 2020 1 142
People hanging out on the beach in Florida. Camera: Minolta XD11 Lens: Minolta MD Rokkor-X 50mm, f/1.2 Film: Polaroid CP 100, 100 ASA 35mm Date: April 26th, 1987 Location: Jacksonville Beach, Florida, U.S.A. XD11 Polaroid 100 Florida 14-1df

Let's Take The Lizard To The Beach

09 Sep 2020 113
This crop seems to show a couple with a lizard on a leash at the beach. Strange. XD11 Polaroid 100 Florida 14-1ef

Sailboat Regatta

07 May 2017 4 1 626
A sailboat regatta held down in Jacksonville Beach, Florida, on May 2nd, 1987. Camera: Minolta XD11 Lens: Minolta MD Rokkor-X 50mm, f/1.2 Film: Polaroid CP 100, 100 ASA 35mm Date: May 2nd, 1987 Location: Jacksonville Beach, Florida, U.S.A. XD11 Polaroid100 Florida 17-4if

On The Beach

15 Aug 2022 1 2 176
This was a couple buddies of mine and myself having fun on the beach one day back in 1987. We lived and worked in Jacksonville Beach. That's the Atlantic Ocean behind us (and below us!) and from left to right: Dave, Bob and myself in the tennis visor. I had my camera set up on a tripod so I could get in the picture. Camera: Minolta XD11 Lens: Minolta MD Rokkor-X 50mm, f/1.2 Film: Polaroid CP 100, 100 ASA 35mm Date: May 24th, 1987 Location: Jacksonville Beach, Florida, U.S.A. XD11 Polaroid 100 Florida 21hf

Beach Babes

16 Jun 2016 1 2 610
Girls in skimpy bathing suits! Well, after all.... it's what we came to see! Taken on a Sunday afternoon at the beach of Jacksonville Beach, Florida. Camera: Minolta XD11 Lens: Minolta MD Rokkor-X 50mm, f/1.2 Film: Polaroid CP 100, 100 ASA 35mm Date: April 26th, 1987 Location: Jacksonville Beach, Florida, U.S.A. XD11 Polaroid Florida 11-2df


28 Aug 2019 4 1 760
Sunrise on the Atlantic Ocean. Camera: Minolta XD11 Lens: Minolta MD Rokkor-X 50mm, f/1.2 Film: Polaroid CP 100, 100 ASA 35mm Date: May 26th, 1987 Location: Jacksonville Beach, Florida, U.S.A. XD11 Polaroid 100 Florida 22ff

Girl On The Beach

16 Jun 2016 1 545
A friend of mine, Bob, took this one using my camera. I have cropped it to show off the subject better. Camera: Minolta XD11 Lens: Minolta MD Rokkor-X 50mm, f/1.2 Film: Polaroid CP 100, 100 ASA 35mm Date: April 26th, 1987 Location: Jacksonville Beach, Florida, U.S.A. XD11 Polaroid Florida 12-3df

The Atlantic Ocean

21 Sep 2014 1 327
The Atlantic Ocean near Jacksonville Beach, Florida. Beach 03df

Beach Bum

07 Feb 2020 228
This was a picture of me when I lived in Florida. I had my camera on a tripod and took it near Jacksonville Beach. It's an extreme crop of a picture that originally included two of my buddies standing next to me. I was looking in their direction.

The Seagull That Ate Miami

11 Apr 2014 2 264
The original shot for this was taken on Jacksonville Beach, Florida, when I was down there in 1987. I just edited it and added the movie poster lettering for fun.

Act Naturally

12 Nov 2018 2 5 406
My niece and nephew, photographed back in 1996. Camera: Minolta XD11 Lens: Minolta MD Rokkor-X 50mm, f/1.2 Film: Polaroid 200 Date: June 22nd, 1996. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Minolta Polaroid 200 1996 10ff

Kilroy Was Here

12 Nov 2018 1 395
My niece and nephew, photographed back in 1996. They were sitting in the back of my old pickup truck. Camera: Minolta XD11 Lens: Minolta MD Rokkor-X 50mm, f/1.2 Film: Polaroid 200 Date: June 22nd, 1996. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Minolta Polaroid 200 1996 07ff


04 Jul 2015 3 1 491
Taken while travelling on Interstate 70 from St. Louis, Missouri to Kansas City, Kansas. Camera: Minolta XD11 Lens: Minolta MD Rokkor-X 50mm, f/1.2 Film: Polaroid 100 ASA 35mm film Date: 1986 Location: Between St. Louis and Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.A. XD11 Polaroid KC 02-2df

Baseball Season Is Over

02 Nov 2016 1 1 651
The Kansas City Royals baseball stadium. Camera: Minolta XD11 Lens: Minolta MD Rokkor-X 50mm, f/1.2 Film: Polaroid 100 ASA 35mm Date: 1986 Location: Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.A. XD11 Polaroid KC 03ef


30 Apr 2017 305
Here's me playing my Stratocaster at a gig last Hallowe'en. Taken by a friend who used my Canon Sure Shot Max Date point and shoot 35mm camera. I had expired Polaroid 400 film in it. Camera: Canon Sure Shot Max Date point and shoot 35mm Film: Polaroid 400 (expired for about 20 years) Date: October 29th, 2016, 10.22 p.m. Location: Clay City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing Chemicals: Unicolor C-41 Water pre-soak: 1 minute at 102 degrees Developer: 3 ½ minutes at 102 degrees Water rinse: 1 minute (to keep chemicals clean) Blix: 6 ½ minutes at 102 degrees Water rinse: 3 minutes at approx. 100 degrees Stabilizer: 1 minute at room temperature Canon SS Max Date Polaroid 400 20dff

She Had A Tough Little Brother

17 Mar 2023 1 1 172
An old Aero Willys car. It was made by the same company that made the Jeep for World War II. Camera: Polaroid OneStep Close Up Film: Polaroid Color 600 Film (expired on 10/2022) Date: March 9th, 2023, 11.15 a.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Polaroid OneStep Close Up Color 600 02-1df

20 items in total