
HaarFager club

Posted: 22 Mar 2017

Taken: 22 Mar 2017

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Mother Nature
Apple Seeds

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Apple Seed Beds

Apple Seed Beds
Here is where I planted my apple seeds today - in some raised beds. After I had finished planting them in rows a foot apart and each seed a foot apart, I covered them back up with the potting soil that was already in the raised beds, then put a one-inch layer of sand over them. Then I stapled some screen over the top of the beds so that the critters can't get to my little sprouts when they break through the ground.

I ended up planting 45 seeds. There were three different varieties - Red Delicious, Granny Smith and Golden Delicious. And representing 6 different apples. So, I'll see what happens. I read somewhere that seeds from store-bought apples like this don't always grow up to be trees with apples. The average I read was 1 in 10 seeds might grow up to be trees with good apples. I guess that's what experimenting is for!

HaarFager club
I found tips online for planting seeds which had been vernalized like I did mine and it said to plant them outdoors in early Spring. It's close enough, isn't it? Plus, it said seeds that were planted outside grew up to be hardier than ones started indoors.
7 years ago.

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