
Loch Linnhe

Folder: Scotland

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18 Jun 2014

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878 visits

Mist across the bay

Early morning on the Ardnamurchan peninsula, Had just disembarked the Corran Ferry and heading for the Isle of Mull Ferry at Lochaline but had to stop and grab some shots, Happened a few times along the way. My musical link is Misty Blue, www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1V2HLJGx-k Large for detail.

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18 Jun 2014

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816 visits

The end for Capri

Ex trawler "Capri", aground at Ardgour on the Ardnamurchan peninsula, Captured in the cool crisp light of early morning. Large if possible please. Music link is a little loose, but I love the track Beachcombing from the Album All the road running, www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xRUQWvQn6M

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22 Sep 2013

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Storm !

Ballachulish Bridge across Loch Linnhe as a storm arrives, Scorr Dhonuill (1001m) and Scorr Dhearg (1025m) hiding in the gloom, This bridge replaced the little ferry featured in a previous image Large Please

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24 Sep 2013

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The Old Harbour Wall

It will probably need to be enlarged to view properly as this is an image from 2013, software issues prevent me from uploading new images at the moment This is Loch Linnhe which follows the line of the Great Glen Fault, and is the only sea loch along the fault. About 50 kilometres (30 miles) long, it opens onto the Firth of Lorne at its southwestern end This is taken at Polanach near the seaward end of the loch, What remains of the old harbour wall is falling foul of the weather and the waves, HWW to all !

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13 May 2023

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158 visits

Twin Lochs

Mist begins to form in this shot of the Lochs of Laich and Linnhe with the Ardnamurican peninsula as a backdrop to the much photographed Castle Stalker and Stalker Island, In 16.9 format so a large view really would be appreciated.
14 items in total