
GrahamH club

Posted: 25 Apr 2022

Taken: 25 Apr 2022

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6030 Gosford

6030 Gosford
At Gosford a garratt loco leading a north bound goods train. May 1966.
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Bergfex, tiabunna, Peter_Private_Box, Frans Schols and 3 other people have particularly liked this photo

7 comments - The latest ones
StoneRoad2013 club
Very Nice.

I likes Garratts ...

K1 [now on the Welsh Highland Railway] was the first, and is a particular favourite of mine. Now running with some parts from K2.

There's another, standard gauge, "industrial" example at Bressingham.
2 years ago.
GrahamH club has replied to StoneRoad2013 club
Thanks StoneRoad. It's a good thing that K1 went to the UK as it may not have escaped scrapping here.

I also think they are a smart design to get more power in one loco. There are more photos of this type among my older photos. As seen here I have many more to scan and show now I am retired.

Many railways in Australia used garratts. This website shows something of the preserved ones.

This search in Yahoo (NOT google!) has an image section with a range of photos of garratts used in Australia. Paste into browser address space.;_ylt=AwrgBE5.gmhifkkABTIL5gt.;_ylu=Y29sbwNncTEEcG9zAzMEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Nj?p=garratts+in+australia&fr=yfp-t
2 years ago.
StoneRoad2013 club has replied to GrahamH club
Thanks, Graham.

I agree, about getting more power within the wheelbase ... I'm impressed by most of the articulated locomotive designs, so I have a soft spot for Fairlies and Mallets as well.

The SAR Garratts on the WHR are massive in comparison to the Double Fairlies.

Although I had a good laugh a few years ago.
There is a steep and winding climb out of Beddgelert on the WHR, on the way to Rydd Ddu. This featured in a "King of the Hill" competition, various pairings and individual engines tried their wheels ... all weights etc carefully standardised to calculate the drawbar power. Most people expected one or other of the SAR Garratts to carry off the crown. The turn-up for the books was that "Penrhyn Ladies" [Hunslets "Blanche" & "Linda"] were the winners ...
2 years ago.
Tractacus club
Nah.. That's an LMS Garratt on a coal train out of Toton Yard.. These Class 60s were rather impressive machines, to say the least..
2 years ago.
GrahamH club has replied to Tractacus club
Thanks Tractacus. Impressive enough be the among last steam loco type used in revenue service on a government railway in Australia and the last n the state, New South Wales, in early 1973. Plenty more photos of them here and many more others to come.
2 years ago.
tiabunna club
A great photo of this Garratt, Graham. I grew up in Brisbane, near the interstate line, and we used to see these from time to time.
2 years ago.
GrahamH club has replied to tiabunna club
Thanks George. As far as I know these didn't work to Brisbane due to a union ban against using them through single track tunnels. There are many between Maitland and Brisbane. QR had a similar looking garratt which is probably what you saw back then. This link has a photo and some info.
2 years ago.

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