Tierisch gute Vorsätze für's neue Jahr?
St. Peter, key account manager (totally stoned)
Hurra! Fränkische Fernsicht (HFF) - Schneeberggipf…
Schneebar, 2017 besonders kostbar
aus gegebenem Anlass ...
Snowwife (oder Snowife?)
Amberg Stadtbrille
Happy Feier-Freiday! - für bk (mia frein uns mit d…
The White House (HFF!)
Hoher Bogen und Kaitersberg-Arber
Von den Blauen Bergen schwärmen wir ....
Häppi Freidei, Folks (Dem Deutschen Folk!)
Das Obagesetzt § 1: Der Legastenicker macht die We…
I Like Ice in the Sunshine ...
Am großen breiten DON ............ au
frozen Death
Garstfreundliches Regensburg
Herrschaften: Friendly Fienna! (HFF!)
2017 - neue Pläne
January 1st
Happy 2017 ihr Lieben! :-D
Heiliger. Fröhlich. Friedlich (HFF)
himmlische Silhouetten
Machet die Tore weit!
Merry Christmas everyone
Hoffnungslos. FahrFerbot! (HFF)
ready to pool down
Als Männer noch Männer waren.
... he's driving me ... so crazy ...
Hopelessly Fatally Forlorn (HFF)
iSee iCey DiRT
Hundertprozentig Fanatische Ferteidigung (HFF!)
Ulmer Münster - St. Michael
Zum Himmel hoch ...
Süßer die Euros nie klingeln ...
I'm dreamin' of a Blue Hour ...
In Ulm und um Ulm und mitten durch Ulm hindurch ..…
Herrgott! Friedlicher Ferein! (HFF)
Herzensangelegenheit! Fenomenal Ferliebt. (HFF)
1/500 • f/6.3 • 18.0 mm • ISO 200 •
E 18-55mm F3.5-5.6 OSS
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123 visits
The Happach Crater (Tacheles by request)
In 1847 a minor asteroid impacted here in this remote area of Eastern Middle (or Central?) Franconia (Ost-Mittelfranken) creating this small crater. Luckily, the asteroid had two essential qualities: Firstly, it was big enough to not become a shooting star and evaporate due to friction when entering Earth's atmosphere. When it impacted it was just the right size to leave a minor cavity in the ground without causing much disruption. Had the asteroid been bigger, the crater here could easily have wiped out Franconia and the Upper Palatinate (and its residents and their successors and Ipernity users.) Secondly, the asteroid was too slow to bring with it the momentum that is required to create a noteworthy, well-known crater (like the Ries-Crater). So, for these two reasons mentioned, small Happach Crater was created without ever gaining much popularity.
Later, an energy supplier used this void to establish a water power plant, pumping water from an artificial valley basin into this top-of-the-mountain pool. They obviously were in search for the perpetuum mobile: Water that is running down pumps the water to the top. It seems to have worked. For many years, it was operated, helping the people of Franconia to keep track with the general development in Germany and not become another Nebulae (neue Bundesländer).
Heute ist der Krater unbrauchbar. Eon wird das Becken nicht weiter benutzen, der Boden ist nach wie vor durchlässig und die Reparatur wohl zu teuer (oder alternative Energien zu stark ausgebaut).
Later, an energy supplier used this void to establish a water power plant, pumping water from an artificial valley basin into this top-of-the-mountain pool. They obviously were in search for the perpetuum mobile: Water that is running down pumps the water to the top. It seems to have worked. For many years, it was operated, helping the people of Franconia to keep track with the general development in Germany and not become another Nebulae (neue Bundesländer).
Heute ist der Krater unbrauchbar. Eon wird das Becken nicht weiter benutzen, der Boden ist nach wie vor durchlässig und die Reparatur wohl zu teuer (oder alternative Energien zu stark ausgebaut).
Karl Hartwig Schütz, Boarischa Krautmo have particularly liked this photo
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