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129 visits

28-31 December 363-366 end of 2020

28-31 December   363-366  end of 2020
Completing my 366 photos in 2020.

Due to the ipernity upload problem, I was unable to upload my daily photos in December.

Please see descriptions in comments :-)

Fred Fouarge, tiabunna, Ulrich John have particularly liked this photo

 Gillian Everett
Gillian Everett club
28. The Shed Bar – on the deck underneath our house
29. the Agapanthus still blooming beautifully, alongside our driveway.
30 December dreamy … otherwise known as blurred. Very windy, and I only took two photos yesterday, both of this Albery’s Red Ceratopetalum, a compact NSW Christmas bush, recently planted, with tiny flowers. Point and shoot camera, and I haven’t used any manual setting yet, so just on auto.
31 December… 2020 New Year’s Eve
New South Wales, Australia. After a visit to the local shopping village, we drove somewhere we hadn’t been before, the 4WD access point to Nine Mile Beach, which is at the Northern end.Nine Mile Beach extends in a gentle east-facing arc from Diamond Reef rocks to the north entrance wall of Cape Hawke harbour, better known as Tuncurry-Foster. The beach is backed by a Holocene foredune plain that formed when the shoreline prograded up to 1 km seaward between 6000 and 4000 years ago. However this in turn is backed by some of the oldest beach deposits in NSW, with evidence of beaches 90 000, 150 000, 220 000 and possibly 480 000 years old. Most of this system is in Crown Land and in a relatively natural state.
Description from beachsafe.org.au
4 years ago.

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