Frank J Casella's favorite photos
By Bob Taylor
20 favorites
Foggy Morning
After a rainy night, fog set in and seemed determined to stay, as it did for much of the day.
snow storm
ik stond daar toen aan de westzijde van de vangrail met de olympus op statief te wachten op verschillende kleuren autos
By Ulrich John
50 favorites
Möge 2024 ein gutes Jahr werden !
Hoffentlich ein Jahr, das Frieden, Freude und Gesundheit für euch alle bereithält ! Ein Jahr, in dem die Welt zu Vernunft, Toleranz und Gerechtigkeit findet. Ein Jahr, das von Respekt gegenüber der Natur und gegenüber allen Menschen geprägt sein wird. Happy New Year ! Frieden und Glück !
Thank you so much to all who visit the picture!
Whishing you a good weekend ! Stay safe and healthy.
Merry Christmas
Sorry for my rare visits this year, that are due to the professional requirements. Press z.
By HaarFager
3 favorites
O Christmas Tree
So I went out and cut my Christmas tree today and put it up in my living room, (which I had to rearrange to get it to fit), then tonight I decorated it. Out in the wild, it looked to be about 6 feet high, a good average size for my preferences. But when I got it home, it turned out to be 9 feet tall! It's a good thing I have 9 and a half feet high ceilings!
It's a little scraggly looking, but it'll be all right for my needs. Taken today, December 1st, 2023, with my Sony Alpha SLT-a77V DSLR.
First snow of winter 2023 (1 x PiP)
Wykeham Forest
... en la Sérénissime, avec la 'Scherza infida' de l'Ariodante d'Haendel :
et en compagnie du plus sociable des habitants (PiP) :-)
Agréable week-end à vous mes amis ! Grand merci pour vos visites et appréciations.
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