
Small Creatures (insects, spiders, snails etc)

Red Spidermite

Red Spidermite

Weevil - My Good Side


28 Apr 2018 1 154
1st attempt with new macro set up. Not the best lens in the world but it seems to work. Focus stacked in Photoshop. Yashica 55mm macro lens. Fully manual legacy lens. Extended 60mm on tubes. Lighting jig by me.

Incy Wincy Spider

27 May 2018 8 195
In the flower bed.

Flight Of The Bumble Bee

27 May 2018 11 4 304
I spent an hour in the garden earlier trying to get a bee in flight. I used a fully manual lens for this. No chance of getting this close with the kit lens. Flash used to freeze the movement. It took maybe 30 attempts before I got this one.

Male Stag Beetle

12 Jun 2018 3 307
I was lucky enough to find a male Stag Beetle at the weekend.

Welcome to my world - Bumble Bee

18 Jun 2020 3 147
Thank you all for looking and for your kind comments.

Dragon Fly

02 Aug 2020 9 173
Thank you all for looking and for your kind comments.

22 items in total