
2009 Fridays' Photos of the Week

WashingtonHarbour.Georgetown.WDC.6Sep200 9

06 Sep 2009 2 676
Washington Harbour / Georgetown . 3000 K Street, NW Washington DC . Labor Day / Sunday, 6 September 2009 . http://elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2009/09/11-september-2009-fridays-photo-of-week.html . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography


13 Sep 2009 2 764
Family . 31st Annual Adams Morgan Day Festival . http://www.adamsmorgandayfestival.com . 18th Street near Wyoming Avenue, NW, Washington DC . Sunday afternoon, 13 September 2009 . http://elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2009/09/18-september-2009-fridays-photo-of-week.html . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography

04.KramerBooks.1517ConnAve.NW.WDC.23Sep2 009

23 Sep 2009 952
Windows / Dupont Circle North . Kramer Books & Afterwords . http://kramers.com . 1517 Connecticut Avenue, NW, WDC . Wednesday afternoon, 23 September 2009 . http://elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2009/09/25-september-2009-fridays-photo-of-week.html . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography

SolarDecathlon.NationalMall.WDC.13Octobe r2007

13 Oct 2007 1 728
Solar Decathlon . www.solardecathlon.org/ . National Mall . Washington DC . Saturday, 13 October 2007 . http://elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2009/10/2-october-2009-fridays-photo-of-week.html . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography University of Colorado at Boulder http://www.solardecathlon.org/2007/team_colorado.cfm


05 Oct 2009 1 807
My 56th Birthday . Man Reading Book . WMATA Farragut North Station . Connecticut Avenue and K Street, NW, Washington DC . Monday afternoon, 5 October 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography View photo as 9 oCTOBER 2009 Friday's Photo of the Week at http://elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2009/10/9-october-2009-fridays-photo-of-week.html

TeamAlberta.SolarDecathlon.WDC.9October2 009

09 Oct 2009 741
4th Biennial Solar Decathlon Competition . www.solardecathlon.org/ . National Mall . Washington DC . Friday evening, 9 October 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography View 16 October 2009 Friday's Photo of the Week blog posting at http://elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2009/10/16-october-2009-fridays-photo-of-week.html House #106 Team Alberta University of Calgary, SAIT Polytechnic, Alberta College of Art + Design, Mount Royal College http://www.solardecathlon.org/2009/team_alberta.cfm

170.33rdMCM.CrystalDrive.ArlingtonVA.26o ct08

26 Oct 2008 1 907
33rd Annual Marine Corps Marathon . www.marinemarathon.com . Crystal Drive . Crystal City . Arlington VA . Sunday morning, 26 October 2008 . elvertbarnes.com/2008MarineCorpsMarathon.html . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography See photo at my 23 October 2009 Friday's Photo of the Week blog posting at http://elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2009/10/23-october-2009-fridays-photo-of-week.html

MCM34.TheRace.MStreet.NW.WDC.25October20 09

25 Oct 2009 1 849
34th Annual Marine Corps Marathon . http://www.marinemarathon.com . The Race . Georgetown . Turning onto Wisconsin Avenue from M Street, NW, Washington DC . Sunday morning, 25 October 2009 . http://elvertbarnes.com/2009MarineCorpsMarathon.html . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Photo featured as 30 October 2009 Friday's Photo of the Week at http://elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2009/10/30-october-2009-fridays-photo-of-week.html

ObamaMessageBoard.LincolnMemorial.WDC.7N ovember20…

07 Nov 2008 1 1045
"World to Obama: Let's Do It Together" Message Board . avaaz.org/en/million_messages_to_obama . Lincoln Memorial . National Mall . Washington DC . Friday afternoon, 7 November 2008 . elvertbarnes.com/44thPresidentElect-BarackObama.html . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Featured as my blog's 6 Niovember 2009 Friday's Photo of the Week at http://elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2009/11/6-november-2009-fridays-photo-of-week.html

FotoWeek.FotoWalk.CrystalCity.VA.10Novem ber2009

10 Nov 2009 1 1038
FotoWeek DC 2009 . Crystal City FotoWalk . Pedestrian Walkway . Arlington VA . Tuesday afternoon, 10 November 2009 . http://elvertbarnes.com/FotoWeekDC2009.html . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Photo featured as my 13 November 2009 Friday's Photo of the Week at http://elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2009/11/13-november-2009-fridays-photo-of-week.html Crystal City BID at http://www.crystalcity.org For more information visit http://www.fotoweekdc.org/events/listing.aspx?id=303


19 Nov 2009 1 1366
Holiday Windows / Logan Circle Neighborhood . Mitchell Gold & Bob Williams . www.MGandBW.com . 1526 14th Street, NW, Washington DC . Thursday morning, 19 November 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Photo featured as my 20 November 2009 Friday's Photo of the Week at http://elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2009/11/20-november-2009-fridays-photo-of-week.html

JRB1.NoPointFarm.Dameron.MD.26November20 09

26 Nov 2009 2 1224
Thanksgiving With The Family . JRB (Brother) . No Point Farm . 17238 St. Jeromes Neck Road . Dameron, Maryland . Thursday afternoon, 26 November 2009 . http://elvertbarnes.com/SouthernMaryland.html . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Former property of my grandparents Thomas Walter and Violet Emma Dove Biscoe Photo featured as 27 November 2009 Friday's Photo of the Week at http://elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2009/11/27-november-2009-fridays-photo-of-week.html


02 Dec 2009 842
Reincarnations Furnishings . http://www.reincarnations.com . 1401 14th Street, NW, Washington DC . Wednesday afternoon, 2 December 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Photo featured as 4 December 2009 Friday's Photo of the Week at http://elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2009/12/4-december-2009-fridays-photo-of-week.html

01.DonnaB.PaperCollage.EasternMarket.SE. WDC.15Nov…

15 Nov 2009 1 1611
donna b. Artist / Paper Collage of Capital Art Gallery . http://capitalart.wikispaces.com . Arts & Crafts at Eastern Market On The Hill . http://www.easternmarketdc.com . 7th and C Street, SE, Washington DC . Sunday afternoon, 15 November 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography donna b's paper collage at http://capitalart.wikispaces.com/PAPER+COLLAGE Photo featured as my 11 December 2009 Friday's Photo of the Week at http://elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2009/12/11-december-2009-fridays-photo-of-week.html

03.WMATA.L'EnfantPlaza.SW.WDC.18December 2009

18 Dec 2009 1 718
Reflection of WMATA Yellow Line / Fort Totten Train from WMATA Green Line Train Window . L'Enfant Plaza Station, SW, Washington DC . Friday afternoon, 18 December 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Photo featured as my 18 December 2009 Friday's Photo of the Week at http://elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2009/12/18-december-2009-fridays-photo-of-week.html

Believe.Macys.MetroCenter.1201G.NW.WDC.2 2December…

22 Dec 2009 1225
2009 Holiday Window Displays . "The Magic of Christmas" Window Display . Believe Campaign . Macy's / Metro Center . http://www.macys.com . 1021 G Street between 12th and 13th Streets, NW, Washington DC . Tuesday afternoon, 22 December 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Photo featured as my 25 December 2009 Friday's Photo of the Week at http://elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2009/12/25-december-2009-fridays-photo-of-weeek.html


22 May 2009 2 610
2009 Fridays' Photos of the Week photo montage sampled with "Return To Innocence" by Enigma Visit blog posting at http://elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2009/12/retrospective-of-2009-fridays-photo-of.html

2009 Fridays Photos of the Week by Elvert Barnes P…

31 Dec 2009 3 1278
Featuring "Return To Innocence" by Enigma as background music and the photography of Elvert Xavier Barnes this photo montage represents images that throughout 2009 were featured at the Elvert Barnes FREEDOM blog as Friday's Photos of the Week. See blog posting at http://elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2009/12/retrospective-of-2009-fridays-photo-of.html

57 items in total