Suilven from Glencanisp Grid Ref NC 109 219 view SE

Assynt and NW Scotland

Folder: Scotland
Photos taken in the Assynt area of Sutherland, north-west Scotland.

'Pipe Rock' at Skiag Bridge, Loch Assynt, Sutherla…

21 Jun 2012 941
This is the classic exposure of the Pipe Rock Member of the Eriboll Formation (early Cambrian) at Skiag Bridge, Loch Assynt, Sutherland, Scotland. Cross-bedded pale grey quartzitic/feldspathic marine sandstones deposited as sand bars in a near-shoreline environment are stained purplish-red and penetrated by Skolithos burrows infilled with creamy grey sandstone. This indicates that there was periodic halting of sedimentation and near, or actual emergence, so that oxidation of the iron and manganese minerals in the sediments could occur and the top part of the sediments colonised by burrowing organisms, probably worm-like animals.

Quinag: Sàil Gharbh - south-west approach to the s…

20 Jun 2012 217
A day on Quinag - photo 14 . This is the final south-west ridge leading to Sàil Gharbh (808m), the highest summit of Quinag in the NW Highlands of Sutherland. The pink rock is Torridonian Sandstone (Applecross Formation, Precambrian), overlain unconformably by the light grey Basal Cambrian quartzite of the Eriboll Formation.

Spectacular cirrus clouds over Scourie Bay, Suther…

19 Jun 2012 4 2 222
Spectacular cirrus clouds over Scourie Bay, Sutherland, Scotland.

165 items in total