Amtrak Coast Starlight via Tehachapi Pass (3111)

SF Bay Area

Folder: California
Images from many of the wonderful areas in the Bay area outside of San Francisco. For more of my history with SF, see the San Francisco local set. Photos are in alphabetical order.

Marine Mammal Center 1583a

28 Dec 2009 118
Sgt. Nevis's companions in the cage, sea lions Breadstick (also shot, in the eye) and Lightyear.

Oakland Jack London Sq (3104)

29 Jun 2012 167
Diesels operating on mid-street UP tracks in Jack London Square.

Oakland Jack London Sq (3106)

30 Jun 2012 124
Looking west up Oakland Inner Harbor towards SF. Taken in the morning from Bay Trail in Jack London Square, Oakland.

Oakland Jack London Sq (3108)

30 Jun 2012 137
Houseboats docked in Alameda, taken from Bay Trail in Jack London Square, Oakland.

Oakland Jack London Sq (3109)

30 Jun 2012 136
Very large marina (Marina Village) in Alameda, taken from Bay Trail in Jack London Square, Oakland.

Oakland shipyard 2916a

01 Jan 2006 127
An older, and apparently abandoned, crane in the port of Oakland.

Pacifica coast and Pedro Point (0478)

27 Jul 2013 1 141
Coast at Pacifica, which is just south or San Francisco. The point in the distance is Pedro Point.

Pacifica seabirds (0478)

Potomac Presidential yacht, Oakland (3099)

29 Jun 2012 138
USS Potomac, a yacht that served as Presidential yacht for FDR from 1936 to 1945. After FDR's death it was decommisioned by the Navy, owned by various people (including Elvis Presley) and even involved in drug-smuggling. In 1980 it was seized by the Customs Service but sank. The Port of Oakland bought it and restored it. It is now docked at Jack London Square and open to the public.

Potomac Presidential yacht, Oakland (3102)

29 Jun 2012 208
USS Potomac, a yacht that served as Presidential yacht for FDR from 1936 to 1945. See nearby photo for history. Per Wikipedia, the second funnel is not what it appears, but instead a elevator that was for bringing FDR in his wheelchair to the upper deck if there was an emergency and he needed the lifeboat.

Potomac Presidential yacht, Oakland (3103)

29 Jun 2012 129
USS Potomac, a yacht that served as Presidential yacht for FDR from 1936 to 1945. See nearby photo for history.

Richmond - San Rafael Bridge (1713)

28 Mar 2014 211
Richmond - San Rafael Bridge, from above a yacht basin in Corte Madera.

Richmond - San Rafael Bridge (1717)

28 Mar 2014 5 243
Morning view of Richmond - San Rafael Bridge, from a small park just north of the bridge in San Rafael.

Richmond Railroad Ferry Terminal 3075a

26 Jul 2010 149
North of the ferry terminal is the Point Malote Fuel Depot. If you look very close you can see that there are very many tanks on the hill -- they're painted a color that blends in with the color of the hillside. The cropped version of this picture (adjacent) shows how dense the tanks are.

Richmond Railroad Ferry Terminal 3075a2

26 Jul 2010 144
Look closely and you can see very many oil tanks packed tightly together. The houses on the bay are on Point Richmond.

Richmond Railroad Ferry Terminal 3076a

26 Jul 2010 118
On San Francisco Bay in Richmond are the remains of the railroad ferry. A description of the transporting of rail freight and passengers to San Francisco is in an adjacent picture.

Richmond Railroad Ferry Terminal 3077a

26 Jul 2010 118
Downtown San Francisco and the west end of the Bay Bridge.

Richmond Railroad Ferry Terminal 3079a

26 Jul 2010 112
Description of rail freight and passenger conveyance from Richmond to San Francisco before the bridges were built.

343 items in total