Boyle Heights: Hollenbeck Park (2564)

Los Angeles city

Folder: California
My goal with the LA city photos is to illustrate the diversity of the city. Far too many people that I encounter have no knowledge of the architectural and cultural richness of the area. The pictures posted here are not meant to be particularly representative of the city in general, but are simply reflective of the areas that I've found interesting or peculiar. Photos are in alphabetical order by…  (read more)

Griffith Park 0235a

10 Jun 2011 343
These ladder/stairs go from the trail up to the base of an electrical tower of the LADWP. I was surprised to see them readily accessible with no signs to stay off. I have been unable to find the age of the power line towers through Griffith Park, but a rough guess would be that they were built in the 40's.

Griffith Park 0236a

10 Jun 2011 329
These ladder/stairs go from the trail up to the base of an electrical tower of the LADWP. I was surprised to see them readily accessible with no signs to stay off. I have been unable to find the age of the power line towers through Griffith Park, but a rough guess would be that they were built in the 40's.

Griffith Park 0758a

13 Jan 2009 97
Entrance to the Cedar Grove area of Griffith Park. Taken towards the beginning of the long heat wave in January, with temperatures in the 80's.

Griffith Park 0765a

20 Jan 2009 116
Taken from Mt. Hollywood Dr. on Inauguration day, 2009.

Griffith Park 0766a

20 Jan 2009 117
I've always found this view of Mt. Hollywood Dr. in the late afternoon to be particularly attractive, and reminiscent of paintings of Italian countryside. Unfortunately, I've never found a good way to photograph it. Taken on Inauguration day, 2009.

Griffith Park 0767a

20 Jan 2009 107
The Pacific, across the Hollywood Hills, late afternon on Inauguration day, 2009. Taken from Mt. Hollywood Dr.

Griffith Park 0769a

20 Jan 2009 121
Taken from Mt. Hollywood Dr. on Inauguration day, 2009.

Griffith Park 1924a

Griffith Park 1924b

Griffith Park 1931a

15 Mar 2010 159
In a wooded dell on the east side of the park.

Griffith Park 1932a

15 Mar 2010 108
Looking towards Glendale (the high rise in the distance) from Griffith Park

Griffith Park 1937a

15 Mar 2010 83
LADWP electrical towers in Griffith Park. The towers look as if they were constructed many years ago, but efforts to to find out how old these are have not been successful.

Griffith Park 1938a

Griffith Park 1939a

15 Mar 2010 116
LA river, Hyperion bridge, I-5 and LADWP tower, from Griffith Park

Griffith Park 1940a

15 Mar 2010 140
Griffith Park maintenance yard, note the broken glass in the top of the glass houses. The combination of the fire in 2008 and the current economy seems to have resulted in much of the park facilities appearing to be run down.

Griffith Park 1947a

29 Mar 2010 110
Downtown from Griffith Park

Griffith Park Beacon (airport beacon) hill (0237a)

10 Jun 2011 150
Beacon Hill in Griffith Park. Though this doesn't look particularly interesting, it is of historic significance. When the original LA airport (LA Grand Central Air Terminal) was between LA and Glendale in the 20's and 30's, there was a beacon on this hill to remind pilots of the nearby hills.

Griffith Park fire

24 Dec 2007 94
Scenes of fire damage along Vista Del Valle

576 items in total