San Bernardino Metrolink Arrow / downtown (# 1532)
Redlands time-machine (# 0636)
Redlands historic Santa Fe station (# 0631)
Hanford, CA hometown holiday parade (0336)
Hanford, CA hometown holiday jail ( 0331)
Hanford, CA hometown holiday towing(0330)
Hanford, CA hometown holiday parade (0328)
Hanford, CA hometown holiday parade (0327)
Hanford, CA hometown holiday parade (0326)
Hanford, CA hometown holiday parade (0325)
California High-speed rail Wasco Viaduct (1574)
California High-speed rail Wasco Viaduct (1576)
California HSR/BNSF freight Wasco Viaduct (1578)
California HSR/BNSF freight Wasco Viaduct (1579)
Corcoran / Southbound Amtrak San Joaquin (1597)
Corcoran / Southbound Amtrak San Joaquin (1595)
Corcoran / abandoned grain elevator & Amtrak San J…
Hanford, CA / historic Kings County Courthouse (16…
Hanford, CA / downtown (1611)
Hanford, CA / former US Post Office (1610)
Hanford, CA / historic Lacey Milling Co. (1614)
Sacramento / Fall neighborhood (1623)
Oroville Dam (1631)
San Bernardino Metrolink Arrow / historic U-haul (…
Redlands Arrow / University (# 1518)
Redlands Metrolink Arrow DMU (# 1523)
PS Veterans Day – Cadillac/Middleton (# 1557)
PS Veterans Day – WW II vet / ‘51 Chevy (# 1549)
PS Veterans Day / C-47 flyover (# 1553)
PS Veterans Day / Ranger (# 1561)
PS Veterans Day - WWII vet / Rolls (# 1562)
Algodones Dunes / influencer? / Thanksgiving 2020…
Algodones Dunes / sand-blasting / Thanksgiving 202…
Algodones Dunes / dune life / Thanksgiving 2020 (#…
Algodones Dunes / unadorned dunes / Thanksgiving 2…
Borrego Springs, CA elephantine economy (# 0642 )
Borrego Springs, CA Spanish padre (# 0652)
Borrego Springs, CA Spanish padre sculpture (# 06…
Borrego Springs, CA elephantine economy (# 0639 )
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Algodones Dunes / just chillin / Thanksgiving 2020…
Algodones Dunes / pickup.. / Thanksgiving 2020 (#…
Algodones Dunes / “Thin Blue Line” / Thanksgiving…
Algodones Dunes / pandemic Thanksgiving 2020 (# 05…
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102 visits
San Bernardino Metrolink Arrow / unhoused & rail wheels (# 1537)
At least a standard theme for what you see out the window of trains these days in the U.S. – campsites of the unhoused. What you don’t see very often, and you have to look very close to see in the upper center of this photo, is rows and rows of rail car wheels.
The photo is taken from the Metrolink Arrow, crossing the Santa Ana River wash, which is adjacent to Greenbrier Rail Services, a company that has some role in making or servicing the wheels for rail cars.
For more details about the service and trains, click on the Arrow tag for all photos.
The photo is taken from the Metrolink Arrow, crossing the Santa Ana River wash, which is adjacent to Greenbrier Rail Services, a company that has some role in making or servicing the wheels for rail cars.
For more details about the service and trains, click on the Arrow tag for all photos.
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