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Monterey County / CA-198 Peachtree Ranch (# 0582)

Monterey County / CA-198 Peachtree Ranch (# 0582)
Peachtree Ranch Rd, running south from CA-198. About 30 miles southeast of this point is Parkfield, the most monitored location in California for earthquakes on the San Andreas Fault.

Nouchetdu38 has particularly liked this photo

slgwv club
Earthquakes were happening regularly, at about a dozen-year intervals IIRC, until they wired the site for sound. Then they stopped! Who sez Nature doesn't have a sense of humor?
4 years ago.
Don Barrett (aka DBs… has replied to slgwv club
I didn't realize that. I figured I just wasn't hearing about it because it became old news.
4 years ago.

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