Under the bridge

West Dean

Pear pergola

Green hydrangea in a nest of ferns

Begonia, Coleus and that


14 Jun 2021 29
Panting in the heat

Chives and Golden Marjoram


14 Jun 2021 32
Panting in the heat

The Restaurant

Buttercups and Yellow Rattle

Oxeye Daisy

14 Jun 2021 34
Leucanthemum vulgare

Tulip Tree flower

14 Jun 2021 34
Liriodendron tulipifera

The Pergola

Water-lily in the pond, the Pergola

Wisteria on the Pergola

Wisteria on the Pergola

Lamb's Ears

14 Jun 2021 31
Stachys byzantina

Phragmipedium x sedenii

Giant bugloss

14 Jun 2021 40
Echium pininana

Flame Violet

14 Jun 2021 36
Episcia cupreata

196 items in total