Empty workshop 1


Anaesthetic Trolley

17 Feb 2010 117
Tricomed anaesthetic machine, Penlon ventilator and Rigel monitor

Bellows with flap valve

17 Feb 2010 109

Infusion-pump tester 1990

17 Feb 2010 136
Ivac 560 connected to an infusion device analyser. Mighty Siemens-Elema Mingograph in the background.

Anaesthetic machine

17 Feb 2010 137
Electronic advanced anaesthetic machine

Intubation demo

16 Feb 2010 162
Endotracheal tube, bag, coffee jar

ECG simulator

16 Feb 2010 148
ECG Function Generator, 1990

Resus Eq

16 Feb 2010 162
Bits of resuscitation equipment


17 Feb 2010 156
Figs 1 - 12

Burnt-out Defib 28-9-1990

ICU March 1984

16 Feb 2010 164
Red torch

ICP monitoring 1980

16 Feb 2010 175
Intracranial pressure monitoring

East-Radcliffe Vent 1967

16 Feb 2010 196
East-Radcliffe Positive-Negative Respirator

Foetal sound recorder

Blower-humidifier, 1968

16 Feb 2010 185
East humidifier

Zeroing a CVP manometer, Apr 80

16 Feb 2010 345
Checking central venous pressure with a manometer

Recording foetal sounds

16 Feb 2010 191
She is not happy

ICP monitor, Oct 80

16 Feb 2010 187
Lucy the intracranial pressure monitor

Vent Eq, ICU Jun80

16 Feb 2010 477
East-Radcliffe Positive-Negative Respirator

155 items in total