Restaurant reflection

Street pictures

Grab a Leica (well, usually a Leica) and head out, finding targets of opportunity. The pictures you like at first may be entirely different from the ones you come to love as years pass.

10 Sep 2010

96 visits

Sue must be scary

Mamiya 645, normal lens, Tri-X, Microdol-X 1:3

10 Sep 2010

116 visits

New York can be a tough town

Mamiya 645, normal lens, Tri-X, Microdol-X 1:3

10 Sep 2010

105 visits

The boys in the band

Mamiya 645, normal lens, Tri-X, Microdol-X 1:3

10 Sep 2010

126 visits

Macy's Herald Square

Mamiya 645, normal lens, Tri-X, Microdol-X 1:3

10 Sep 2010

108 visits

Missed again!

Leica M-4, 50mm Summilux, Tri-X, D-76

10 Sep 2010

118 visits

Half Moon

Leica M-4, 50mm Summilux, Ektachrome

10 Sep 2010

166 visits

Well, one of 'em's at work

Leica M-2, 35mm Summicron, Tri-X, Microdol-X 1:3

12 Jun 2013

1 favorite

151 visits

Street textures

Nothing is either horizontal or vertical. Storm is coming, but all is peaceful for now.

09 Jun 2013

2 favorites

167 visits

Not technically a motorcycle . . .

. . . and he probably didn't have a city sticker.
91 items in total