And this wasn't even Palmer Street

Palmer Fest, Athens, Ohio, 2018

14 Apr 2018

46 visits

Taking one last look

With Athens Fire Chief Robert Rymer keeping her company, Service Safety Director Paula Horan-Moseley watched fest-goers leave Palmer Street. It was her last fest -- she is retiring in a couple od weeks -- but if that fact caused her anguish she was very good at hiding it. It was suggested that there could be a special Paula Fest in her honor, but she declined.

14 Apr 2018

57 visits

University cool, 2018

14 Apr 2018

52 visits

University cool, 2018

14 Apr 2018

79 visits

Fest aftermath

After a house is closed, cleanup begins. The uninitiated would be surprised at how quickly yards go from total mess to free of debris.
31 items in total