Our First Enjira on Ethiopian Soil

Ethiopia - 2014

Our First Enjira on Ethiopian Soil

14 Dec 2014 251
Yum. We were looking forward to our enjira meals, and they have not disappointed. One dish is with lamb, and the other is kitfo, warm raw mince with spices.

Along the Road, North of Addis Ababa

15 Dec 2014 246
A typical sight along the road as we headed to Dessie.

Coffee - It's Always a Serious Affair in Ethiopia

15 Dec 2014 280
In Ethiopia, coffee is NEVER instant. Most establishments, even if they serve burgers, has a person sitting in the corner with a fire and cups. Sometimes you get a full service, with scattered grass and incense, and sometimes you just get the coffee in a ceramic pot. It is always made with beans they have just roasted then and there. It is strong, very strong. It is good, very good!

Bet Maryam, Lalibela

17 Dec 2014 244
The church of Bet Maryam, carved out of the rock. Essentially, it is all one piece!

Interior of Bet Mikael

17 Dec 2014 1 249
Some of the interior details of the rock hewn church Bet Mikael, Lalibela.

An Apostle - Lalibela

17 Dec 2014 252
Inside Bet Golgotha, a "men only" church in Lalibela. This is one of the four apostle carvings that is publicly viewable.

Looking Down Bet Giyorgis

17 Dec 2014 1 267
Peering over the edge at Bet Giyorgis.

The Top of Bet Giyorgis, Lalibela

17 Dec 2014 247
This is Bet Giyorgis. It truly is a marvel. The church is actually quite large, hollowed out inside the "cross". Inside, it has no supporting pillars.

Bet Gyorgis, Lalibela

17 Dec 2014 247
This angle of Bet Giyorgis allows some true appreciation of what a magnificent feat this rock hewn church really is.

Racial Salad?

17 Dec 2014 275
No idea what it was supposed to be, but really, a very unfortunate name for a dish.

Camel Train Near Harmadela

20 Dec 2014 321
Camels laden with salt. Destination, Mekele. Seven days travel from the salt flats.

Mum and Bub

21 Dec 2014 230
Mother and baby camel in the Danakil depression.

Living where Almost Nothing Grows

21 Dec 2014 251
Not many people live around here. The environment is incredilbly harsh and unforgiving. How anyone manages at all is beyond me.

Egyptian Vulture

21 Dec 2014 255
Despite the feeling that nothing could survive here, it obviously does. Occasional birds this size must feed on small prey, which in turn feed on bugs and insects, which all have something to survive on. The complete cycle is here, difficult as it is to find.

In the Market at Mekele

19 Dec 2014 236
A beautiful smile, spinning by hand, selling her spices and coffee pots.

Berhale Market

Afar Man with Camel

Jo Gets her Hair Done

20 Dec 2014 322
While sitting in a small village, waiting, the children gathered, and soon Jo was getting plaits done from all angles.

52 items in total