Our Place

Italy - 2021 - (Life in Bomba)

Snow Melting, Two Days Later

16 Feb 2021 1 95
Much of the other side of the valley already returning from white to green.

Bomba, Through the Olive Trees

City Limits, Bomba Style

15 Feb 2021 92
Our first reasonable walk. Down the hill to the sanctuary, and back when we reached the edge of town.

Our Town - Our House is in There, Somewhere

Bomba from the Main Thoroughfare

Homemade Pumpkin and Ricotta Gnocchi

18 Feb 2021 107
Jo is trying so many different things. This was an amazing meal.

The Unfinished Bridge

21 Feb 2021 1 1 92
Eventually, we might find the story of what happened to interrupt construction of this bridge. Safe to say, it is now a very much abandoned project.


21 Feb 2021 2 99
Possibly the most confusing sign I can recall seeing.

Returning Home, after 13.6 km

21 Feb 2021 103
Our little walk ended up being a lot longer than anticipated. Never mind.

Christ - Crucifixion

21 Feb 2021 110
A wonderful depiction. Detail in the sanctuary of San Mauro.

Jo Models our First Reasonable Acquisition

21 Feb 2021 2 109
Setting a mood.

Flight of Steps to Our Rear Entrance

22 Feb 2021 112
Our Second Cellar is at the top of those stairs. And to the left, an entrance to the cellar which is beneath our cellar.

Our Place

Featured on the Cover, Our House

28 Feb 2021 96
This old tour book for Bomba and surrounds has a picture of our house on the front.

Neighbour, Lee, Maker of Marinara

02 Mar 2021 100
We got a massive bowl of spaghetti marinara, cooked by our neighbour, Lee.

Random Statue in a Niche

03 Mar 2021 1 84
An odd little nod to Australia in a lane in Bomba.

Seriously, Wood Fired?

Yep, Wood Fired

05 Mar 2021 1 3 111
Our pizza guy, with his oven in the back of his van.

133 items in total