Zaz, Thomas Dutronc, Yvan Cujious make a facelift…
" Hello, Sidney !***
"After dinner********
I wish you a beautiful, lovely and sunny Sunday, w…
"Gorgeous MARLENE***********
"From Paris, from London, from all those vho loved…
"The green eyes******
A Man, a few roses, a clarinet, HAPPINESS*********…
"A friendly meeting in the garden****
"A dinner between friends*****
"CARAVAN" - Walk in Morroco*********************
"I Wish you a lovely week****************** -
"I have a dream**********************
VLAANDEREN **************************
"Sanctuaire de Notre-Dame de Fatima**** (Portugal)…
"Fête de l'Assomption*****
A lot of thanks for your visits and appreciated co…
"For Andy********
"Un matin, au pays des cigales********
"Violin on the roof***
"Because we need some fresh air******
"Wishing you a beautiful Sunday and a lovely week*…
"Have a nice colorful week-end to everyone*****
"The Bohemian*** (By Louis Aragon) - Music of Lé…
"Young Lady with two parrots in love for asking En…
"Friendly yours***
HFF - Enjoj a pleasant summer******
"Just a flower, Just a Kiss, Just for you****
"Woman in the bath***
"Happy day !******* - Heureuse journée à tous les…
"The Mask*** (suite couleur......
HFF****** Thinking of you !
Tender evening with AMALIA
"Happy week to all of you******* - "Bonne semaine…
HFF to each and everyone !
"Le métèque******* (Grèce - Alexandrie - Georges…
Hello from Brittany !*****
Good Apetite !
Happy Mothers day ! Heureuse Fête des Mamans*****
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147 visits
"INFINITELY yours.........
Jacques Brel - LE PLAT PAYS - de l'album "Infinitely" -
With the North Sea as the last wasteland, and waves of dunes to stop the waves, and vague rocks that the tides overtake, and have forever the heart at low tide!
With infinite mists to come, with the East wind, hear it holding on, the flat country that is mine!
With cathedrals instead of mountains, and black belfries like masts of cocagne, where stone devils pick out the clouds.
With the thread of days as their only journey, and rainy paths as their only "Good night!".
With the west wind, listen to its will, the flat country that is mine!
With a sky so low that a canal got lost, with a sky so low that it creates humility, with a sky so gray that a canal hanged itself, with a sky so gray that it must be forgiven!
With the North wind that comes to part, with the North wind, listen to it crack, the flat country that's mine!
With Italy going down the Escaut, with Frida la Blonde when she becomes Margot, when the sons of November come back to us in May, when the plain is steaming and trembling in July!
When the wind blows with laughter, when the wind blows on the wheat, when the wind blows South, listen to it sing, the flat land that is mine!
Written by Jacques Brel
Translate into English
Jacques Brel - LE PLAT PAYS - de l'album "Infinitely" -
With the North Sea as the last wasteland, and waves of dunes to stop the waves, and vague rocks that the tides overtake, and have forever the heart at low tide!
With infinite mists to come, with the East wind, hear it holding on, the flat country that is mine!
With cathedrals instead of mountains, and black belfries like masts of cocagne, where stone devils pick out the clouds.
With the thread of days as their only journey, and rainy paths as their only "Good night!".
With the west wind, listen to its will, the flat country that is mine!
With a sky so low that a canal got lost, with a sky so low that it creates humility, with a sky so gray that a canal hanged itself, with a sky so gray that it must be forgiven!
With the North wind that comes to part, with the North wind, listen to it crack, the flat country that's mine!
With Italy going down the Escaut, with Frida la Blonde when she becomes Margot, when the sons of November come back to us in May, when the plain is steaming and trembling in July!
When the wind blows with laughter, when the wind blows on the wheat, when the wind blows South, listen to it sing, the flat land that is mine!
Written by Jacques Brel
Jocelyne Villoing, J.Garcia, ©UdoSm, sea-herdorf and 21 other people have particularly liked this photo
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J'espère que vous aurez du bonheur à parcourir ce "Plat Pays" de Jacques Brel (et qui est devenu complètement le mien....) - L'album s'appelle Infinately en rappel de "avec infiniment de brumes à venir" où il a mis tellement de tendresse. Je vous souhaite une très heureuse fin de semaine ! A bientôt.......
Moins connue mais je l'aime bien aussi ,o) A dire vrai j'aime tout BREL
Roséha D. club has replied to BoroRoséha D. club has replied to Jenny McIntyre clubBonne journée. Amitiés
Roséha D. club has replied to Madeleine Defawes clubRoséha D. club has replied to Nouchetdu38 clubRoséha D. club has replied to Annemarie clubRoséha D. club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubWünsche noch einen schönen Nachmittag,ganz liebe Grüße Güni :))
Roséha D. club has replied to Günter Klaus clubRoséha D. club has replied to Percy Schramm clubRoséha D. club has replied to Thierry DebrouwereAdmired in:
Roséha D. club has replied to William Sutherland clubRoséha D. club has replied to Ulrich John clubRoséha D. club has replied to Joe, Son of the Rock clubRoséha D. club has replied to Ecobird clubRoséha D. club has replied to Josiane Dirickx clubRoséha D. club has replied to Patrick Brandy clubSehr schön.