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Unnatural Acts

Unnatural Acts

"Aesthetics owes its name to Alexander Baumgarten who derived it from the Greek aisthanomai, which means perception by means of the senses (see Baumgarten, A.G.). As the subject is now understood, it consists of two parts: the philosophy of art, and the philosophy of the aesthetic experience and character of objects or phenomena that are not art. Non-art items include both artefacts that possess aspects susceptible of aesthetic appreciation, and phenomena that lack any traces of human design in virtue of being products of nature, not humanity. How are the two sides of the subject related: is one part of aesthetics more fundamental than the other? There are two obvious possibilities. The first is that the philosophy of art is basic, since the aesthetic appreciation of anything that is not art is the appreciation of it as if it were art. The second is that there is a unitary notion of the aesthetic that applies to both art and non-art; this notion defines the idea of aesthetic appreciation as disinterested delight in the immediately perceptible properties of an object for their own sake; and artistic appreciation is just aesthetic appreciation of works of art. But neither of these possibilities is plausible."

- continues at www.rep.routledge.com/article/M046

gin_able, , , and 4 other people have particularly liked this photo

9 comments - The latest ones
 Henri Banks
Henri Banks
this is a winner a 5 star picture
thanx for posting in my group
16 years ago.
Shi* has replied to Henri Banks
Glad you like it!
16 years ago.
 Armando Taborda
Armando Taborda club
...the aesthetic experience of generations is crucial for an artistic object long-lasting...otherwise the art aim only exists during its creation...Dave...you have the eyes of an artist / gardener in the right moment you captured the rolled leaf...great...
16 years ago. Edited 16 years ago.
Shi* has replied to Armando Taborda club
to perceive the natural beauty, to translate it then into a song of the heart, of the soul ... shot out into the night like a blind archer's arrow ... where and how it lands I know not ... but I can only hope that it carries the emotional charge that it has for me. Is that an aesthetic theory? ;)

Thanks, as always, Armando for your apposite comment!
16 years ago.
it's really great and I love the music.
any how I prefer the guitar playing Neil Young...
16 years ago.
Shi* has replied to gin_able
Hmmm ... I know what you mean but 'Cinnamon Girl' and 'Down by the River' do it for me as well!
16 years ago.

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