Search through Coldwaterjohn's photos

  Publication date  /  2020  /  July   -   234 photos

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Waterlilies in bloom on the pond

Waterlilies in bloom on the pond

Waterlilies in bloom on the pond

Barley must be due soon for harvesting...

Summer shade from the willows

Waterlilies in bloom on the pond

Moorhen chick lilypad-walking!

The Orchard window - brief sunshine between monsoo…


Youngster at breakfast

Blondie checking her larder store

Storm damage to the Victoria plum trees.

Youngster breakfasting on peanuts

Youngster checking out storm-damaged plum tree bra…

Wary of strange noises!

Focused on food

Pond lilies

Tulip Tree leaf

234 items in total