- and the sun goes down.

Ipernity Nos 0001-2000

Folder: Ipernity Images
To download...

Busy june morning on findhorn beach!

Findhorn Beach on a Sunny June morning

01 Jun 2014 94
iPhone 5S

iPhone 5S Pan

iPhone 5S Pan

Daddy Long Legs?

iPhone 5S Pan

iPhone 5S

Early morning rain...

27 May 2014 159
Taken with iPhone 5S "The Ultimate Driving Machine" Ever wondered who comes up with these slogans? “ In 1974, the newly appointed sales and marketing executive and former General Motors alumnus Lutz chose the upstart firm of Ammirati & Puris for advertising in US. Martin Puris was the copywriter for the account, he was briefed to showcase three strengths of BMW: driving sensation, handling and power. Puris came up with the idea of, “The Ultimate Driving Machine.”

Findhorn Mooring, with Forres town in the backgrou…

Findhorn Bay - Low Tide

Findhorn at Low Tide

Using a gold reflector...

At what stage do you become a Phalaenopsiphiliac -…

30 May 2014 1 97
Orchid in bloom

iPHONE 5S Images

30 May 2014 95
Most iPhone images I have seen up to now have been on facebook, of variously assorted drunks taking "selfies" in night clubs and bars, with most of the images as bleary as their subjects, so it was a pleasant surprise to find the latest iPhone can turn out some reasonale images, with built-in HDR and auto functions.

Genesis of a Scots Pine Cone

Bring out the Viking in you!

27 May 2014 108
There's nothing complicated about making your own Gravadlax...fresh salmon - say 3 lbs of the middle cut - 1/4 cup sea salt + quarter cup of brown sugar + large bunch of fresh dill, or three teaspoons of dried dill if you can't source fresh dill + one tablespoonful of white pepper corns ground into coarse chunks. Lay salmon in a dish, cover with these ingredients, pour over a large tot of Brandy, or vodka if you are a cheapskate! Cover top of dish with clingfilm, and place a heavy object on top (I use a breeze-block, but make sure your fridge shelves are robust!)and place in fridge turning every 24 hours for 72 hours. Drain off the liquid produced, slice thinly and serve with Dill and Mustard sauce. I make a batch every few weeks. This is the latest one, at the beginning of the process...

Forwards motion

16 May 2014 2 181
BMW 730Ld SE

1995 items in total