Art Deco Qurtoba Kuwait home late 1990s


Home for two years

Art Deco Qurtoba Kuwait home late 1990s

29 May 2013 84

Art Deco Qurtoba Kuwait home late 1990s

Art Deco Qurtoba Kuwait home late 1990s

29 May 2013 155
Verandah area by the pool in the lower ground floor

Art Deco Qurtoba Kuwait home late 1990s

Art Deco Qurtoba Kuwait home late 1990s

Art Deco Qurtoba Kuwait home late 1990s

29 May 2013 72
Pool decor with tromp d'oeil window below the awning and door, in the distance.

Art Deco Qurtoba Kuwait home late 1990s

29 May 2013 135
View of the family room from my rather untidy -looking desk

Art Deco Qurtoba Kuwait home late 1990s

29 May 2013 83
Front entrance with mashrabiya screen from the Majlis, and polished marble flooring

Art Deco Qurtoba Kuwait home late 1990s

29 May 2013 89
Reception area - polished marble flooring

Art Deco Qurtoba Kuwait home

29 May 1998 75
House we rented in the late 1990s belonging to a Kuwaiti who learned English in Cardiff, and spoke English in the lltling tones of a Welshman! The marble floors were polished to a mirror-like finish.

Art Deco Qurtoba Kuwait home late 1990s

25 Nov 2001 118
Guest bedroom

Art Deco Qurtoba Kuwait home late 1990s

02 Oct 1999 93
Basement pool with heated water, and airconditioned room to prevent condensation!

Art Deco Qurtoba Kuwait home late 1990s

02 Oct 1999 89
The Men's "Majlis"

Art Deco Qurtoba Kuwait home late 1990s

02 Oct 1999 107
Wrought-iron banister spiralling up three floors, straight out of CRM

Art Deco Qurtoba Kuwait home late 1990s

Art Deco Qurtoba Kuwait home late 1990s

Art Deco Qurtoba Kuwait home late 1990s

Art Deco Qurtoba Kuwait home late 1990s

56 items in total