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The Kelpies

The Kelpies
I used to live very close to hear and I took this picture of the Kelpies on the opening day ten years ago. I used to walk my dog here all the time and loved walking along the river.

Nouchetdu38, , Klara Gellet, Steve Paxton and 12 other people have particularly liked this photo

16 comments - The latest ones
Annemarie club
Happy Sunday!
4 months ago.
Chris Bowness club has replied to Annemarie club
Thank you Annemarie :)
4 months ago.
Jean-Paul club
well done 10 years ago
fine share
4 months ago.
Chris Bowness club has replied to Jean-Paul club
Thank you Jean-Paul, I have a massive archive. It's a bit embarrassing, but I love to share my pictures, otherwise why bother taking them!
4 months ago.
 José Manuel Polo
José Manuel Polo club
Se toma cariño a los sitios donde se vive a gusto y, como acabo de decir en otro comentario, lo que te gusta se hace mejor, en este caso la fotografía del lugar, Chris.
4 months ago.
Chris Bowness club has replied to José Manuel Polo club
Thank you Jose. I agree, it gives you confidence taking pictures of your local area. That definitely applies to me.
4 months ago.
 Steve Paxton
Steve Paxton club
Nice lighting
4 months ago.
Chris Bowness club has replied to Steve Paxton club
Thank you Steve. I was lucky, more often than not the lighting is dull here.
4 months ago.
 aNNa schramm
aNNa schramm club
ich wusste nicht was ein Kelpi ist - also ging ich auf die Suche
>>>Das oder der Kelpie ist ein Wassergeist im schottischen Volksglauben. Das Kelpie bewohnt die fließenden Gewässer des Hochlandes und tritt in Gestalt eines großen Pferdes, manchmal mit Fischschwanz, auf. Die Abgrenzung zwischen each uisge (schottisch-gälisch, „Wasserpferd“) und Kelpie ist unklar. Manchmal werden beide Bezeichnungen als Synonyme verwendet, einer anderen Unterscheidung zufolge bewohnt das each uisge stehende Gewässer (schottisch loch) und die schottischen Meeresküsten, das Kelpie hingegen fließende Gewässer.
4 months ago.
Chris Bowness club has replied to aNNa schramm club
Thanks aNNA. Yes you are right. The horses also pulled the canal boats between the two main cities here, so the Kelpies statues it's also a tribute to them too.
3 months ago.
Amelia club
They're magnificent aren't they? I distinctly remember my first view of them. We visited again last year, it was raining instead of sunny, but I still loved them. A superb wide angle view of the area.
4 months ago.
Chris Bowness club has replied to Amelia club
Thank you Amelia. I walked past them 2 or 3 times a week when I lived there. there is some great walks around there.
3 months ago.
Christa1004 club
They look huge, the largest equine sculptures I ever saw.
4 months ago.
Chris Bowness club has replied to Christa1004 club
Thanks Christa. They are big and they tower over the local motorway, distracting drivers :)
3 months ago.
 Steve Paxton
Steve Paxton club
Have to say you have blown them into the stratosphere brilliant shot.
3 months ago.
Chris Bowness club has replied to Steve Paxton club
Thanks you very much Steve, I'm very glad that you like it.
3 months ago.

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