DSC00808 (2)

spiders and similar

Spiders eyes

Long-jawed Orb Web Spider. Tetragnatha extensa

Orb Web Spider?

Common Crab Spider.Xysticus Cristatus,female

Common Crab Spider.Xysticus Cristatus,male

15 May 2014 2 101
Many thanks to C.Rayz for ID

Orb Web Spider. Cyclosa Conica?

Peek a Booo!

Orb Web Spider. Tetragnatha extensa

Nursery Web Spider....on matching leaf!!

The Spider and the Fly

08 May 2014 1 116
Wrapping it up for later!

The Spider and the Fly

Nursery Web Spider

DSC 0095

DSC 0013

230 items in total