Watching the Birdie

Sculptures, statues and just for fun

03 Nov 2019

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Call of the Wild - HFF!

The stag in full bellow is at St Audries, West Quantoxhead, in Somerset. I have added -The Call of the Wild' by Midge Ure The Call of the Wild by MILCK and 'Don't Cry Out Loud' by Elkie Brooks

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20 Jun 2019

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Defend and Protect

Lone Highlander at Elgol on Skye.. With the world under attack by Coronavirus I thought I would add my hopes that you will all be kept safe from harm along with this hillside defender. I have added Massive Attack and 'Safe From Harm' and the second Massive Attack link is 'Protection'

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12 Jul 2022

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Companionable Silence! (PiPs)

Taken at Port William, Wigtownshire, Scotland. 'The Fisherman' bronze statue has a dedication to the poem by W.H. Davies called 'Leisure' What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. No time to stand beneath the boughs And stare as long as sheep or cows. No time to see, when woods we pass, Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass. No time to see, in broad daylight, Streams full of stars, like skies at night. No time to turn at Beauty's glance, And watch her feet, how they can dance. No time to wait till her mouth can Enrich that smile her eyes began. A poor life this if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. I would have to agree it is not a bad outlook on life and the fisherman's outlook is pretty good too!! The statue has been standing here alone, leaning on this fence for many years. I was delighted that he has a companion now, at least temporarily, although I am not sure her crocheted clothing will withstand the Scottish weather for long! She seems to be equally as taciturn as the Fisherman, although she has brought along her guitar to strum and soothe any troubles he may have.!! But I do have to say her colourful apparel doesn't make me think her music may be gentle, - more rock chick!! The poor man may not be able to hear himself think!! I have added a song called 'Still' by Lionel Richie as a link Best viewed large, I think. Many thanks

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13 Jul 2022

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Tea with the Queen - HFF!

I spotted this delightful figure when we were on holiday in Dumfries and Galloway. In my lifetime the Queen's Speech was always a feature on Christmas Day, and I thought it would be nice to post this picture for Christmas. The Show must go on, and I have added the song by the same name by Queen Just because it is Christmas I have added another track by Queen - 'Thank God It's Christmas' Happy Christmas to everyone!

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16 Jun 2013

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Good Old Galloway B(u)oys!!!

One from the archives captured at the Mull of Galloway Lighthouse. The Galloway buoys against the lighthouse walls made me smile. They are no longer there sadly. Here is a track called 'The Old Boys' sung by Runrig

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11 May 2023

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Spirits In the Water (2 x PiPs) HFF!

Reflections of the Kelpies at Helix Park, Falkirk. As Kelpies are said to be aquatic water spirits I though I would capture them in their habitat!! The Kelpie are said to be malevolent, shape shifting spirits that often take the form of horses that lure people to their death. Once on the horse's back they find themselves 'stuck' and unable to dismount and are taken down to the depths and drowned. One such tale is of ten children who encountered a kelpie, nine of who climbed onto it's back, instantly sticking to it. The tenth just touched the kelpie and unable to pull free managed to cut off his finger in order to escape. Sadly the other nine were carried off by the kelpie and were never again seen. They also appear as humans, - sometimes as a beautiful young lady to entice unsuspecting young men to a watery grave. So think carefully guys, - the young girl who looks to be a beauty after a few drinks may well be the death of you!!! Should you encounter a horse by a river or stream take care if you pet him. If it is a kelpie and not a real horse remember the power of the kelpie and it's weak spot lies in his bridle. If you have a safe grip on the bridle you can control the kelpie but beware as kelpies are extremely strong! The first PiP is of the Kelpies (on land!!) with an enraptured man gazing at them and the 2nd PiP is a sign that I thought fitted the theme well. I have added a link by Bob Dylan called Spirit on the Water A little bit of a tenuous link for the second link I have used this song as the Kelpies story is a (myth or) legend and because of the lyrics.. John Legend and 'All of Me' 'My head's underwater and I am breathing fine;
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