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Scarborough South Bay

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421 visits

Scarborough South Bay in Spring Sunshine

Scarborough South Bay in Spring Sunshine
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Helena Ferreira, Sarah O', Alan Drury, and 4 other people have particularly liked this photo

13 comments - The latest ones
 Andy Rodker
Andy Rodker club
A fine angle. I like this view of Scarborough from here. An excellent shot!
Hope your Christmas Day was enjoyable! Here in Spain the day itself is very quiet. The main festivities are on Christmas Eve. I slept until 1 today!
Best wishes, Andy
8 years ago.
Doug Shepherd club has replied to Andy Rodker club
Thanks very much Andy. Christmas was great thanks, although quiet without visitors this year. Sounds like you had a good time. I remember that European custom from living in Norway and Germany, it has many advantages:)
Best wishes, Andy
8 years ago.
Very nice indeed Doug and one saved in fav's by me also

Best wishes ... Steve
8 years ago.
Doug Shepherd club has replied to Ste
Thank you Steve, much appreciate the kind comment and fav.
Best wishes, Doug
8 years ago.
 Cheryl Kelly (cher12861 on flickr)
Cheryl Kelly (cher12… club
So pretty!
8 years ago.
Doug Shepherd club has replied to Cheryl Kelly (cher12… club
Thank you Cyeryl, much appreciate your visit and kind comment.
Best wishes, Doug
8 years ago.
 Roger (Grisly)
Roger (Grisly) club
Fabulous capture in lovely weather.Doug
8 years ago.
Doug Shepherd club has replied to Roger (Grisly) club
Thank you Roger, much appreciated.
Best regards, Doug
8 years ago.
 Doug Shepherd
Doug Shepherd club
Many thanks Chris Hamilton, much appreciated.
All the very best for 2017, Doug
8 years ago.
 Alan Drury
Alan Drury club
Hi Doug a great shot her and lovelly weather for it a YS from me hope you had a good Christmas and all the very best for the New Year.Best wishes Alan.
8 years ago.
Doug Shepherd club has replied to Alan Drury club
Thanks Alan, very much appreciated.
Best wishes, Doug
8 years ago.
 Sarah O'
Sarah O' club
What a great composition Doug...a certain YS ! Sarah
8 years ago.
Doug Shepherd club has replied to Sarah O' club
Thank you Sarah, much appreciated. The weather was very cooperative for a change:)
Best wishes, Doug
8 years ago.

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