Yellow-line Quaker

Moths of 2009

Folder: All Moths

Large Wainscot -Top

19 Oct 2009 75
Quite a large moth relatively speaking :)

Blair's Shoulder-knot -Top

19 Oct 2009 83
Better shots of this interesting guy.

Blair's Shoulder-knot -Side

Rhomboid Tortrix

19 Oct 2009 71
Finally found him on Hants Moths site :D

The Sallow -Face

19 Oct 2009 59
I Lub Him :)

The Sallow -Top

19 Oct 2009 57
This is a variation of The Sallow moth which has almost no dark markings.

Red-green Carpet

Epinotia Nisella

19 Oct 2009 77
Bit late for these guys.

Blair's Shoulder-knot

Acleris Ferrugana

19 Oct 2009 75
I'm not entirely sure about this ID because this moth seemed so more colorful and lovely then the ones I could find, but it was the closest I could find also. Anyone can confirm?

Endotricha Flammealis

15 Oct 2009 88
Nice little moth I couldn't ID from August, finally found him getting counts ready :)

The Sallow -Side

09 Oct 2009 67
This is a variation of The Sallow moth which has almost no dark markings.

Merveille du Jour -Side

05 Oct 2009 78
I've been wanting one of these, he was up high on the bridge so we had to have me up on the shoulders to get this shot, well worth it though :)

Acleris Logiana?

05 Oct 2009 96
Quite a unique little moth with its resting posture, he is approximatly the same size as a Light Brown Apple Moth, Wing span 12-25mm maybe. He was located inbetween the side beams so couldn't get a straight shot of him, this was the best of the lot. I've really really looked at every moth I could on all the sites trying to find this guy. I can't find anything that comes close except the Acleris Logiana, can any one out there confirm or help me with this ID?

Merveille du Jour -Top

05 Oct 2009 104
Finally I got one of these lovely lovely moths.

Pink-barred Sallow

05 Oct 2009 93
Another Pink Barred Sallow, one of three for this batch, this one shows the pink face better.

Barred Sallow

05 Oct 2009 103
Another sallow for the collection :)

The Sallow

03 Oct 2009 96
Another of these lovely beasts, on a fall leaf.

520 items in total