Antler Moth Cerapteryx graminis

Noctuidae (Hadeninae)

Folder: Moths by Family
Brocades, Quakers, and Leaf-eating Wainscots.

Antler Moth Cerapteryx graminis

Antler Moth

04 Aug 2013 119
Stars of the catch of Sussex Moth Group, Hastings Branch Possingworth Park Moth event 3 Aug 2013

Antler Moth

04 Aug 2013 121
Stars of the catch of Sussex Moth Group, Hastings Branch Possingworth Park Moth event 3 Aug 2013

Smoky Wainscot

06 Aug 2013 162
Stars of the catch of Sussex Moth Group, Hastings Branch Possingworth Park Moth event 3 Aug 2013

Obscure Wainscot

16 Jul 2013 161
Stars of the catch 15 July, 2013. The Clay and Obscure Wainscot can be very similar, here are some comparison shots. These two individuals do look different in the photos, but they can look very similar.

Obscure Wainscot

16 Jul 2013 194
Stars of the catch 15 July, 2013. The Clay and Obscure Wainscot can be very similar, here are some comparison shots. These two individuals do look different in the photos, but they can look very similar.

Obscure Wainscot Underside

16 Jul 2013 179
Stars of the catch 15 July, 2013. The Clay and Obscure Wainscot can be very similar, here are some comparison shots. Obscure Wainscot will not have a belt. Yes they do both like playing

Dot Moth

15 Jul 2013 144
Stars of the catch 14 July 2013. NFY - Always an attractive moth, the caterpillars are really lovelly as well.

Varied Coronet

09 Jul 2013 1 147
Stars of the catch 07 July 2013. New species for the patio

Varied Coronet

09 Jul 2013 1 1 138
Stars of the catch 07 July 2013. New species for the Patio

Coronet and Varied Coronet Comparison

09 Jul 2013 1 114
Stars of the catch 07 July 2013.

L-album Wainscot

09 Jul 2013 125
Stars of the catch 07 July 2013.

Shoulder-striped Wainscot

30 Jun 2013 144
Sussex Moth Group, Hastings Branch moth event at Brede High Wood 29 June 2013

Shoulder-striped Wainscot Side

30 Jun 2013 128
Sussex Moth Group, Hastings Branch moth event at Brede High Wood 29 June 2013

Shoulder-striped Wainscot Resting Position

30 Jun 2013 129
Sussex Moth Group, Hastings Branch moth event at Brede High Wood 29 June 2013

Patio Life: Bright-line Brown-eye Eggs

19 Jun 2013 3 199
A very helpful moth decided to lay her eggs on our egg carton, makes sense to me.

Broad-barred White

19 Jun 2013 1 119
Stars of a finally more normal size catch back on 18 June 2013 NFY


18 Jun 2013 1 121
A couple Stars of the Catch for 17 June 2013. NFY

136 items in total