Fungi Under Logs

Brede High Woods

Folder: Nature Spaces

Powdermill Sparkles

Shot from Atop the Log

13 Jun 2009 118
The 'how this shot was taken' is here on Mike Jackson's photostream. Thanks again Mike and his friend Sue for the tour and wonderful day at Brede High Wood :)

Brede High Wood

The Last of the Mohicans

13 Jun 2009 73
Mike and I fought hard over this title ... lol

Moss @ Brede

The Path

LGC Needs ID

03 Jun 2013 187
Another caterpillar for me to get ID'd and recorded, I'm trying very hard to photograph as many as possible this year so that I can start on a pdf for IDing caterpillars as the resourses you can get are very expensive or not very complete. I should say also that if anyone wants to help with this project, and has british caterpillars or stages of, to contact me.

LGC Needs ID

03 Jun 2013 154
Another caterpillar for me to get ID'd and recorded, I'm trying very hard to photograph as many as possible this year so that I can start on a pdf for IDing caterpillars as the resourses you can get are very expensive or not very complete. I should say also that if anyone wants to help with this project, and has british caterpillars or stages of, to contact me.

Friendly Fly

03 Jun 2013 2 242
This guy has a damaged wing, and was walking up the footpath, when I reached down he gladly came onto my finger and was very happy it would seem to be off the ground, as any self respecting hoverfly would be! We left him on this bramble to sun and hope he can make his way to some nectar. Update: Thanks to Alby for correcting my ID on this Tachnid Fly, not a hover, I still imagine anything with wings perfers not to

Mossey Spikes

03 Jun 2013 109
Some lovely moss growing in the copiced woods at Brede High Wood, with new growth.

Moss Flowers

03 Jun 2013 112
Moss flowers that are quite lovely close up and personal like :)

Time to Unwind

03 Jun 2013 1 164
These are pretty cool ferns they were just unfurling, and I can't resist a curly photo.

Common Milkweed

Mud Hut

03 Jun 2013 3 268
Not sure what will emerge from this little hide a way, but we saw quite a few of these on long stems of grass or twigs. Update: Thanks to Evan for letting me know these are spider egg sacs :)

Brimstone Butterfly Finally!

03 Jun 2013 164
This is my 'bogey' Butterfly, or what I call my well one of them, the Green Hairstreak is also one, I have been trying to get a photo of one for years. Not a great shot but a begining!

Dingy Skipper

03 Jun 2013 179
I was very surprised when we found this large colony of Dingy Skippers, I had no idea they were in Brede, but I do know that I've not seen a site in the UK yet (not that there isn't one, just not that I've seen) that has as many species of butterfly in one location. I'm looking for a list of species if anyone knows of one for Brede High Wood.

Rock Texture

03 Jun 2013 1 178
Another free texture to use for non commercial projects, please do let me know if you have troubles downloading the original size image.

Dingy Skipper @ Brede High Wood

379 items in total