Common Tern


Folder: Wild Kingdom
Lovely strange beautiful funny birds :>

Barn Owl

22 Jul 2012 90
At Hastings Country Park.

Barn Owl

22 Jul 2012 87
If only we'd had another 30 mins of light... Ah well I really enjoyed seeing it.

HCP Barn Owl

22 Jul 2012 80
After a lovely day at HCP and the Red Arrows we decided to head back out to fishbarn pond to look for roosting dragonflies, instead we were treated to this lovely Barn Owl, with fledglings in and out of the nesting box as well.

Poor Starfish..

Meadow Pipit

Collared Dove

Swallow Family

14 Jul 2012 199
Waiting for mum to return with the grub :)

Swallow Family Feeding Time

14 Jul 2012 74
The hard part is guessing which one she will feed this

Swallow Family Feeding Time

14 Jul 2012 69
Great to see these lovely flyers at work.

Swallow Family Feeding Time

14 Jul 2012 152
Literally as we were about to pull away to leave this family was being fed on the roof outside the Obs. Had to stay and watch.

Swallow Family Feeding Time

14 Jul 2012 71
Mom's on her way, my turn, my turn my turn, my turn, mine mine mine... me me me pick me!

Yellow Wagtail Bath

Male Marsh Harrier

11 Jul 2012 73
Only male we saw all day that we knew of.

Reed Bunting Male

Very Wet Kestrel

11 Jul 2012 77
Trying to hunt, very low (maybe 5 feet off the ground) after the heavy rain.

Kestrel Falco tinnunculus

11 Jul 2012 66
After the driving rain we had he is still looking for lunch.

Marsh Harrier @ Elmley

11 Jul 2012 68
More of the 'miles away' series

She's 'ad Enough

11 Jul 2012 67
Marsh Harrier after being mobed by everything that can fly, she thinks about fighting back. The Black Headed Gull puts the brakes on quick

476 items in total