Cydia fagiglandana

Moths 2018

Folder: All Moths

27 May 2018

139 visits

Pale Pinion

For Record keeping sake, moths caught at Footland Wood for a Sussex Moth Group Hastings Branch event on 25 May 2018

27 May 2018

104 visits

Pale Pinion

For Record keeping sake, moths caught at Footland Wood for a Sussex Moth Group Hastings Branch event on 25 May 2018

27 May 2018

139 visits

Pale Pinion

For Record keeping sake, moths caught at Footland Wood for a Sussex Moth Group Hastings Branch event on 25 May 2018

01 Jul 2018

1 favorite

124 visits

Wood-sage Plume (Capperia britanniodactylus)

For Record keeping sake, Wood-sage Plume (Capperia britanniodactylus) caught at Brede High Wood for a Sussex Moth Group Hastings Branch event on 18 June 2018, a very good record and Nationally Scarce B status

01 Jul 2018

136 visits

Wood-sage Plume (Capperia britanniodactylus)

For Record keeping sake, Wood-sage Plume (Capperia britanniodactylus) caught at Brede High Wood for a Sussex Moth Group Hastings Branch event on 18 June 2018, a very good record and Nationally Scarce B status

01 Jul 2018


198 visits

Wood-sage Plume (Capperia britanniodactylus)

For Record keeping sake, Wood-sage Plume (Capperia britanniodactylus) caught at Brede High Wood for a Sussex Moth Group Hastings Branch event on 18 June 2018, a very good record and Nationally Scarce B status

08 Jul 2018

190 visits

Cinnabar Caterpillars on Ragwort

For Records, our yearly day trip for the Sussex Moth Group Hastings Branch to Galley Hill, East Sussex.

08 Jul 2018

251 visits

Brown-tail Moth

For Records, our yearly day trip for the Sussex Moth Group Hastings Branch to Galley Hill, East Sussex.

08 Jul 2018

196 visits

Six-belted Clearwing on Shingle

For Records, our yearly day trip for the Sussex Moth Group Hastings Branch to Galley Hill, East Sussex.
36 items in total